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The Guardian Australia doubled its viewership to become the nation’s fourth most popular news site


Guardian Australia’s audience increased 104% in March, making it the country’s fourth most popular news site with 11.6 million readers.

The global Covid-19 pandemic saw a significant increase in traffic to news websites, with the Australian Guardian witnessing the largest increase in the Australian market.

Guardian Australia doubled its unique viewers in March and moved from seventh to fourth, according to Nielsen’s digital content rating.

The Coronavirus report, which includes the two most popular pages on the site – live blogging and daily data trackers, raised the Australian Guardian’s ranking before the Daily Mail (fifth), (sixth) and the Sydney Morning Herald (seventh).

Lenor Taylor, the Australian Guardian editor, said that the exceptional growth of viewers showed a high level of confidence.

Taylor said: “I am proud and happy that 11.6 million Australians have placed their faith in the Australian Guardian press at this time.”

“The Australian editorial team and Guardian journalists around the world provide unique news based on sharp facts, comments and analysis to inform and explain the events we all go through.

“I would also like to thank our Australian guardian readers, who have provided a lot of support and encouragement in the seven years since we launched here, and who have now made us the fourth largest news website in the country.”

ABC News reported 15 million unique readers, up from 9.9 million in February, and maintained its top position for three months, hammer from first place. ranked second with a unique audience of 12.3 million, followed by 7NEWS with 11.8 million.

Australia is in tenth place and the Daily Telegraph and Herald Sun are not in the top ten.

Nearly half of the country read the Guardian Australia last month and the reader was deeply involved with his press, said Dan Stenton, general manager of The Guardian Australia.

“Our reach is now greater than almost all other advertising platforms – including most free TV shows – and we believe our readers trust us more than someone watching Married in First Sight or restarting the old finals on foot.” Stenton said.

While publishers enjoy record growth in lost advertising revenue because consumer spending has shown steep contracts and widespread cuts in the media industry is already under pressure.

In January, the Australian Guardian reached a record 6.5 million Australians after forest fires, floods and the country’s climate crisis.

Launched in May 2013, Guardian Australia has four offices located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra and is also part of the 24-hour global news process, which helps cover the latest international news around the world.


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