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Spire collapses after fire at old Copenhagen stock exchange | Denmark

Spire collapses after fire at old Copenhagen stock exchange |  Denmark


A huge fire broke out at Copenhagen's 17th-century former stock exchange, one of the Danish capital's most famous landmarks, engulfing the historic building's roof and toppling its distinctive spire.

We are witnessing a terrible spectacle. The Stock Exchange is on fire, wrote on X the Chamber of Commerce, which now occupies the building next to Christiansborg Palace, seat of the Danish parliament.

Dramatic images showed huge plumes of black smoke rising from the Dutch Renaissance-style building, which was being renovated and covered in scaffolding. Police said the X had blocked a main road and part of the city center.

Deputy Prime Minister Troels Lund Poulsen describes the fire as our own Notre Dame moment, in reference to the devastating fire that destroyed the roof and spire of Paris's medieval cathedral in April 2019, five years ago almost to the day.

The Danish Minister of Culture, Jakob Engel-Schmidt, said the that 400 years of Danish cultural heritage were in flames. It was touching to see Stock Exchange staff, emergency services and Copenhagen residents working together to save artistic treasures, he said.

The Stock Exchange, commissioned by King Christian IV and built between 1619 and 1640, features an iconic 56-meter (184-foot) spire in the shape of the tails of four intertwined dragons. It housed the Danish Stock Exchange until the 1970s.

People watch the fire burn in the old Copenhagen Stock Exchange. Photograph: Ida Marie Odgaard/EPA

People were seen rushing in and out of the building carrying artwork to safety and Danish media reported that a parliament annex had been evacuated. Police asked people to avoid driving in the city center.

The cause of the fire was not immediately known. Investigators believe the massive fire at Notre Dame, which was also being renovated at the time, was caused by either a cigarette butt or an electrical short.

Most of the cathedral's leadwood roof was destroyed, but the vaulted stone ceiling prevented massive interior damage and helped save priceless relics and works of art. Notre Dame is expected to reopen in December 2024.




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