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Paris Stock Exchange: opening in free fall after legislative elections

Paris Stock Exchange: opening in free fall after legislative elections
Paris Stock Exchange: opening in free fall after legislative elections


1:00 p.m.
min read by
Ariela R.

The Paris Stock Exchange opened this morning on a pessimistic note, influenced by the unexpected results of the legislative elections. The CAC 40 plunged by 0.7%, creating a wave of uncertainty among investors.

Stock market news
Impact of the results of the legislative elections on the Paris Stock Exchange

Political uncertainty and fall of the Paris stock market index, the CAC 40

The Paris Stock Exchange appears to be shaken by a new era of political uncertainty following the recent results of the legislative elections. a relative majority for the New Popular Front (NFP)The markets are in a delicate position. According to Commerzbank analysts, The formation of a new government is expected to be difficultmaking future economic decisions uncertain.

The immediate reaction resulted in a notable drop in the Paris Stock Exchange, with the CAC 40 falling by 0.49% at opening. a loss of 55 pointsInvestors are concerned that this political instability will complicate the implementation of essential economic measures. Jack Allen-Reynolds, economist at Capital Economics, says:

The divisions within the Assembly will make it difficult to adopt the budgetary measures needed to comply with European rules.

The impact of legislative results on financial markets

Financial markets often react negatively to political uncertainty, and the recent parliamentary elections were no exception. The unexpected victory of the NFP, with 182 seats, disrupted investors' expectations. They had expected a more stable majority. The Paris Stock Exchange index, the CAC 40lost 55 points at the opening. This reflects a drop in confidence in the French economy.

The market reaction was also reflected in an adjustment of borrowing rates. The rate on French bonds rose to 3.22%. The rate spread between France and Germany, an indicator of investor confidence, widened to 69 basis points.

Political uncertainty continues to dominate the economic scene in France, impacting stock markets and investors. Vigilance remains required in the face of potential fluctuations and the evolution of future economic policies.

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Ariela R.

My name is Ariela and I am 31 years old. I have been working in the field of web writing for 7 years now. I only discovered trading and cryptocurrency a few years ago. But it is a world that interests me a lot. And the topics covered on the platform allow me to learn more. A singer in my spare time, I also cultivate a great passion for music and reading (and animals!)


The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and should not be considered investment advice. Do your own research before making any investment decision.




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