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What We Do in the Shadows season 3 teaser exposes vampires to virtual reality


A recently released trailer for FXs Season 3 What We Do in the Shadows shines a light on vampires exposed to VR technology.

A new teaser forWhat we do in the shadowsseason 3 exposes vampires to VR technology. The third season, which premieres on September 2, continues to explore the lives of three vampires, an energetic vampire, in addition to a vampire’s old familiar, living on modern-day Staten Island. Actor Harvey Guilln, known for playing Guillermo De la Cruz, has said that season 3 picks up right after the show’s second season cliffhanger ends.

In the Season 2 finale, Guillermo gave up his position as a Nandor familiar to return home. Lazlo, Nadja, and Nandor fall victim to a trap set by the Vampiric Council at the New Vampire Theater, forcing Guillermo to step in and reveal his vampire allusion abilities to his former masters. The ending was not only shocking, but also layered in terms of Guillermo’s growth as a character throughout the series. Now that the truth has been revealed, it’s unclear how household dynamics and character relationships will be impacted.

Related: What We’re Doing In The Shadows: How Guillermo’s Choice Sets Up Season 3

In a teaser to promote season 3, What we do in the shadowsexplores what would happen if vampires were exposed to VR technology. The teaser, broadcast by Foreign exchange networks, presents Nandor wearing a VR headset to experience walking in a park on a sunny day. Lazlo, Guillermo, and Collin Robinson watch as Nandor enjoy the view as he walks headfirst into a wall. Check out the teaser below:

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From the teaser, it’s clear the house will continue to face challenges as it tries to keep up with the fashions of the modern age. The new season also promises to share vampires facing greater mystical threats, such as a mysterious mermaid, hellhounds, and gargoyles. Missing from the trailer is any reference to the Vampiric Council, what is left of it after Guillermo’s attack, and how they will attempt to bring the roommates to justice for their alleged crimes.

The inclusion of Guillermo in the background is interesting, as it suggests that the character may have returned to live in the house. Whether this is in an effort to further protect the vampires from outside threats, or perhaps to protect the vampires from themselves, it’s unclear. This protection is of course a double-edged sword, as the more he protects them, the more the Vampiric Council can blame them for their actions.

Although it is not clear in which directionWhat we do in the shadowsseason 3 will take, the universe in which the characters live continues to expand. With CW releasing an action-adventure show based on the characters from the original film “What We Do In The Shadows,” created by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi, called Wellington Paranormal,there are now more opportunities to explore the world beyond Staten Island and the vampires. As long as they keep playing their characters, the new season should have no problem wowing viewers like they did the last two.

More: How Wellington Paranormal Connects To What We Do In The Shadows

Source: Foreign exchange networks

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