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From assistant director of Anurag Kashyap to a small role in Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana to headliners of films like Masaan, Zubaan, Raman Raghav 2.0, Raazi, Sanju, Manmarziyaan, Uri: the surgical strike and more recently, Sardar oudham, Vicky Kaushal has come a long way. The actor is now one of the most bankable names in Bollywood, but when he debuted in 2009, Kaushal faced his own share of struggles.

“My journey started in 2009 as a kid who knew he wanted to play, but didn’t know,” he said. Kaushal first enrolled in a theater institute to make sure that this is what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He then turned an AD in Kashyap for Wasseypur Gangs, and that was another film school in itself. He learned the basics of filmmaking, had the chance to interact with “wonderful actors” on set, then moved on to the theater, where he worked for 3-4 years.

“I was learning the basics of acting, making all kinds of mistakes, doing production, doing backstage and performing on stage – all kinds of stuff,” he said. It was after this phase that he finally began to give auditions for films.

“And when you start giving auditions, aapko pata chalta hai ki aap kitne paani mein ho. Because you are competing with hundreds and thousands of people who want the same job. Every morning you go out knocking on doors that thousands of other people are knocking on. You will be lining up with hundreds of other actors. And actors who are really good actors and you sit in plays with people who do a much better job than you. That’s it all the time. Every day before you go to bed you tell yourself how much you need to improve, how much there is to learn, so all of that, ”he shared, adding that sometimes it takes its toll.

“Sometimes that takes its toll on you and it really exacerbates your insecurities and inferiorities. Then you have to keep on surpassing that every day of your life until you get that job, you do well at it and your confidence starts to build. build up, “he said.

The actor explained, but these difficult times, when you look for a job and try to prove to the world that you have something in yourself, constitute a “fragile” period for the actor.

Vicky Kaushal on Sardar Udham and his first fights
Vicky Kaushal on Sardar Udham and his first fights

“I think this is a very fragile time for any actor who is looking for these opportunities. Because every day you leave and you are in an optimistic state of mind, you leave your house in search of work and most of the time , 8 days out of 10 you come home discouraged because you don’t crack it, “he said, adding:” What people don’t realize is that if I passed 10 auditions, I actually failed in 1000 auditions. I was rejected in thousands of auditions but I was selected in 10 but what is visible are only the 10 opportunities that I had, and sabko lagta hai ki arey yeh toh aasani se mil gaya. Woh aaisa hota nahi hai by uska maza bhi alag hai. You know the thrill is there too. You cherish your success, you cherish what you have in life a lot more when you see and what you’ve been through and see more phases in it. “

Kaushal calls his trip a “blessing” and feels lucky to have had this chance to climb every step of the ladder. He thanked the people he worked with and said they trusted him and gave him the platform and the opportunity. “I did my best as much as I could and continued as an actor,” he said.

The actor admitted that although he had been “overwhelmed” by the refusals, he knew he had to get up because he had no safety net.

“I had no choice … I knew I didn’t have a safety net and if I fall from here it’s straight to the ground because I have nothing in the pedal. So, not having a plan B also gives a lot of strength. Sometimes having a plan B makes you a little complacent ki yaar chalo yeh nai hua toh kuch aur karege but jab you know kuch aur kar nai sakte toh woh that extra 2% when you give your 100%, you are actually giving over 100% and you are kind of able to navigate a different path, ”he said.

The actor’s last film, Sardar oudham, premiered October 16 on Amazon Prime Video. Realized by Shoojit Sircar, the film sees Kaushal in the lead role, and his performance has earned him rave reviews. While his film has opted for an OTT release, Kaushal believes that reopening theaters is a wonderful thing. “It’s going to make us feel like things are going back to normal. I’ve been waiting for any opportunity that makes us feel like we’re going back to normal. So that’s very, very good,” he said, adding that the OTT version of Sardar oudham is a decision made by the director and the producers.

“It’s their decision as to how the film should reach audiences, my job as an actor is to play a part in this film. I’m sure the decision the team made to put it on. Amazon Prime will be the best decision for the movie because it’s also a movie that we would like to reach globally, ”he said.

The actor explained that the film should be treated like an Indian film, and not just a Bollywood film. “It has kept the authenticity with Hindi, English and Punjabi and there is also the relevance of the struggle for freedom, Jallianwala Bagh, and we want to tap into the Indian community around the world. that the British can watch the movie to realize what kind of past we’ve been through and what they did in the past for which they are responsible. Considering all of these factors, I think it’s best that the movie comes out. on an OTT output. “

Vicky Kaushal Sardar Udham

Vicky Kaushal struggles

Vicky Kaushal’s Journey

Vicky Kaushal

shoojit sir

sardar oudham




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