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Kim Seon Ho Apologizes For Controversy Involving Ex-Girlfriend Amid Gaslighting Allegations; quitting the 2 Days 1 Night Variety Show: Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama


South Korean star Kim Seon Ho, who rose to fame thanks to Start Up and Hometown Cha Cha Cha, issued an official apology for his past actions towards his ex-girlfriend after the allegations against him surfaced and sparked a lot of interest.

According to Korean tabloid Soompi, on October 18, a woman posted an anonymous message to an online community accusing an actor she was dating of forcing her to have an abortion over the false promise of marriage. The post did not list the actor’s name but did mention actor K, but several viewers speculated that the actor in question was Kim Seon Ho.

The next day, Kim Seon Hos’ agency Salt Entertainment said it was checking the facts. On October 20, Kim Seon Ho shared a letter of apology through her agency. According to Soompi, the letter from the cast reads, I sincerely apologize for the late statement. I felt a fear that was first felt after posting the article with the mention of my name some time ago, and that is why I am writing this now. I saw her with good emotions. In this process, I hurt her because of my negligence and reckless actions. I wanted to meet her and apologize directly to her, but I am not able to convey the apology correctly now and I am waiting for that moment to come. For now, I would like to sincerely apologize to her through this statement. I apologize for having so disappointed everyone who trusted me and supported me until the end.

He added: It was thanks to those who supported me that I was able to become actor Kim Seon Ho, but I forgot that. I apologize for causing problems for my co-stars and all relevant staff who have worked with me due to my flaws. I want to sincerely apologize to everyone who was injured. I am aware that this rambling statement will not fully reach your hearts, but I always try to convey my sincere thoughts. I am really sorry.

Kim Seon Hos ‘agency Salt Entertainment also shared a separate apology statement which read: We apologize for causing concern to many with actor Kim Seon Hos’ personal issues. We would like to apologize to all who have been disappointed and troubled by this issue. Once again, we apologize for worrying you with an unpleasant matter.

In light of the recent controversy, Kim Seon Ho will be leaving the 2 Days & 1 Night variety show he had starred on as a regular member. The production team will also edit the episodes already shot as much as possible.

Kim Seon Ho gained huge global popularity with recent Netflix / tvN rom-com drama Hometown Cha Cha Cha where he played against Shin Min Ah who ended on October 17th with the best personal scores of his entire run. Last year, after a 12-year career in theater and theater, he got his breakout role in Start.

Read also:Kim Seon Ho and Girls Generation YoonA Confirmed to Share Screen for Upcoming 2 OClock Date Movie


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