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Marvels Eternals is currently considered the third worst MCU movie of all time


The Eternals always seemed a bit risky, because even with a top-notch cast, they weren’t exactly the most exciting or interesting characters to adapt into a movie for the MCU. Now, it looks like that bet isn’t quite paying off, and Eternals is looking worse than almost every other MCU movie to date.

Certainly, this is a high bar. Most Marvel movies are rated relatively well against the general industry list, and higher than DC, generally. But Eternals is on the very, very low end of the spectrum right now with early reviews. With 41 reviews, it stands at a 71% on rotten tomatoes. Good for normal movie, very low for MCU movie. That makes it the third-lowest MCU movie of all time out of a total of 26, and generally speaking the more reviews the more these types of scores tend to drop.

Here is the listing as it stands, which indeed considers The Incredible Hulk an MCU movie despite the casting change later. In reverse order, the bottom 10:

  • Thor: The Dark World 66%
  • The Incredible Hulk 67%
  • Eternals 71%
  • Iron Man 2 72%
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron 76%
  • Thor 77%
  • Iron Man 3 79%
  • Black widow 79%
  • Captain Marvel 79%
  • Captain America: The First Avenger 80%

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Update: Since this was posted a few more reviews have come in and it has dropped to 75% making it the fourth worst now. Update 2: And now he’s back at 72%, tied with Iron Man 2. It’s going to happen a lot next week.

Eternals focusing on relatively unknown heroes isn’t much of an excuse for the low score. Shang-Chi and Guardians of the Galaxy both feature in the top 10, and at the time, both were very unknown to the general public.

Eternals is a strange case considering the talent involved and Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao at the helm. But something is wrong, according to most critics. A common complaint is that it seems to make a bad impression of a DCEU debut movie, and that it has too many unnamed heroes stacked up in a single offering. I remember a bit of the last time Marvel tried to do something in the MCU with a big cosmic family, The Inhumans, the short-lived TV series that is arguably the worst thing the MCU has ever produced. Eternals certainly looks like it’s miles above that, but the data doesn’t lie, it’s a very poorly ranked movie at the moment compared to the rest of the Marvels slate. It has the potential to move up or down the list as new reviews come in, and do have a few hundred at the end of it, and yet overall the first grade averages tend to go down, not to increase, the vast majority of the time. .

I’ll definitely see it, as I see every MCU movie, but if anything is wrong with this offering, you’re not alone. Things will likely get back to normal with the next two MCU movies, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, proven hits, and that may just be one incident in the grand timeline.

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