Max Actor says he hasn’t been asked to return for the sequel
Original Hocus Pocus star Omri Katz said he was not asked to reprise his role as Max for Hocus Pocus 2, which will be released on Disney + in 2022.
Hocus pocus Original star Omri Katz has not been asked to reprise his role as Max for the rest of the film. Released in 1993, Hocus pocus quickly became a cult classic and one of the most popular Halloween movies of all time. With Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy as the Sanderson sisters, Hocus pocus follows Max (Katz), his younger sister, Dani (Thora Birch), their neighbor, Allison (Vinessa Shaw) and a talking cat named Binx (Jason Marsden) as they attempt to defeat the trio of witches before devouring souls of all the children of Salem, Massachusetts.
Last year, Disney announced that Hocus pocus 2 was officially under construction. Scheduled to debut on Disney + in fall 2022, Hocus pocus 2 will feature the return of Midler, Parker and Najimy as Winnie, Sarah and Mary Sanderson. Directed by Anne Fletcher, the sequel has kept the main plot details secret. Last month it was revealed that Hocus pocus 2 would shoot in Rhode Island instead of Salem, Massachusetts, although it’s not clear if Rhode Island will replace Salem or if the film has a new set. Recently, Hocus pocus 2 expanded its distribution list and announced that Veep Star Sam Richardson has been cast for an undisclosed role.
Related: Hocus Pocus: Who Played Dani (& What The Actor Has Been Doing Since)
Talk with TMZ, Katz says he hasn’t been approached to reprise his role as Max since Hocus pocus 2. Katz said he would be honored if we asked him to come back for the rest of the film and that that would be good for the fans see Max involved. However, Katz confirmed that he had yet to hear from the creative forces behind Hocus pocus 2 to appear as Max once again.
While Katz may not return as an adult Max in Hocus pocus 2, the actor admitted that he continues to keep in touch with former Hocus pocus co-stars, Shaw and Birch. Of course, Katz seems to remain committed to the original film and said Hocus pocus continue to “continue from generation to generation“, and has become an iconic Halloween movie. As it stands, Hocus pocus 2 should focus on three young women who accidentally resurrect the Sanderson sisters and embark on a mission to stop the child-hungry titular witches from wreaking havoc.
Sure, Hocus pocus 2 is one of the most anticipated titles to come to Disney + in 2022. As for Katz, even if the actor is not reprising his role of Max, he remains a staple in the Hocus pocus heritage. Indeed, if Katz returned, one would expect adult Dani and Allison to make a cameo appearance as well. It remains to be seen if Hocus pocus 2 follows Max and Allison’s teenage daughter, who is the premise of the young adult novel, Hocus Pocus and the all-new sequel. Maybe more details on Hocus pocus 2 will be unveiled at the next Disney + Day in November.
Next: Why Disney Needs To Make A Hocus Pocus Prequel
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