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The star of Salman Khan Antim The Final Truth is ready for release this Friday, November 26th. Even though the superstar has limited screen time and despite running into Satyameva Jayate 2, the film carries a considerable buzz. This is because the trailer for the film received a favorable reception. Viewers loved the pragmatic cop avatar of Salman Khan, and it’s different from what he’s done in films of a similar space in the past. Another factor that makes Salman’s role stand out is that he doesn’t have a romantic role in front of him. While Salman has an action star image, his stint as a romantic hero is also highly regarded and he has had a steamy chemistry with several actresses in the past. Still, viewers don’t mind that there won’t be a heroine serenade in Antim The Final Truth,

However, it has now emerged that initially the creators had decided that there would indeed be a romantic angle to Salman’s trail. In fact, it was Salman and director Mahesh Manjrekar who revealed this track. At the film’s trailer launch last month, when a reporter asked about this aspect, Salman said: He’s a much better character on his own. If we had included romance and songs, the character would have watered down. He then added, We even shot (the romantic portions). But we pulled it out to (stay) true to the movie.

Last week, in an interview with a tabloid, admitted Mahesh Manjrekar, I told Salman that I would write the film. It was my first victory. After writing it, there were some apprehensions about selling a movie that didn’t have heroin against Salman. So I included a heroine part and two songs. Later, Salman decided he didn’t want the heroine or the song. It was my second victory.

So who exactly was this lucky heroine who was fortunate enough to have a romantic relationship with one of Bollywood’s biggest superstars? A source said Bollywood HungamaThis actress was Pragya Jaiswal. It was a nice trail between her and Salman. The superstar and Mahesh Manjrekar were quite happy with the portions of Pragya. However, in the larger interest of the film, the directors decided to cut these portions.

The source continued: Being responsible manufacturers, the producers informed Pragya Jaiswal of the situation. The actress understood their point of view and wished the creators the best. It now remains to be seen whether Pragya Jaiswal is credited at the start of the film under “Special Thanks”.

Pragya Jaiswal made her cinematic debut with Tamil film Virattu (2014). She rose to fame with her performance in Gabbar is back (2015) Telugu film by director Krish, Kanché (2016), for which she also won a Filmfare Award. She was subsequently seen in films like gunturodu (2017), Nakshatram (2017), Jaya Janaki Nayaka (2017), Achari America Yatra (2018), Kurukshetra (2019), etc. She recently made headlines after testing positive for Covid-19 for the second time despite being fully vaccinated.

Read also: ‘Take the burden off my chest’: Salman Khan hands responsibility for Antim-The Final Truth promotions to his fans

More pages: Antim – The Final Truth Box Office Collection


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