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Bugs Bunny is back, as is the chaos of Looney Tunes


In Dynamite Dance, Elmer Fudd arrives at Bugs Bunny with a scythe, prompting the hare to wedge a stick of lit dynamite in the mouth of elms.

During the short animated video, the explosives get bigger and more numerous, while Bugs blocks dynamite in Elmers’ ears, on his bald head and on his pants. The relentless assault passes from rowboat to unicycle to biplane, each timed explosion to the fiery melody of Ponchiellis Dance of the Hours.

The short film has the shameless look, feel, and chaos of a classic Looney Tunes cartoon from the early 1940s. But Dynamite Dance is from a much more recent vintage, one of many created by a new generation of Warner Bros. animators. in the past two years.

While Looney Tunes has been brought back several times over the years, it has almost always been concerned with modernizing the franchise. But both in form and in function, Looney Tunes Cartoons returns to the roots of franchises.

The shorts last from one to six minutes and feature some of Warner Bros. ‘most durable properties. (Bugs is still the official studio mascot). The fact that they are on a streaming platform means that viewers can watch one or two before a film, as the original audience enjoyed them before television, or watch dozens of times. Aesthetically, the shorts are inspired by the glory years of Looney Tunes in the 40s and 50s, more renewal than restarting.

I always thought: What if Warner Bros. had never stopped making Looney Tunes cartoons ?, said Peter Browngardt, executive producer and showrunner of the series. As much as possible, we have treated production this way.

The original cartoons are now considered among the greatest in animated comedy. Launched in 1930, the short film was created to work before feature films in cinemas before going on television in 1960. Over the years, Looney Tunes, combined with their sister series Merrie Melodies, have been nominated for 22 Oscars , by winning five; four were inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Register.

Since the end of the Looney Tunes short film series in 1969, Warner Bros. has taken considerable liberties with the franchise. The Looney Tunes characters scolded with pint-sized versions of themselves (Tiny Toon Adventures, which ran from 1990 to 1992); played basketball alongside Michael Jordan (Space Jam from the 1996s, and they will join LeBron James in the sequel to Space Jam: A New Legacy); been transformed into futuristic superheroes (Loonatics Unleashed, 2005-07); and moved to the suburbs (The Looney Tunes Show, 2011-14).

The creators of the new series hope to do justice to the directors, hosts and singers of the so-called Termite Terrace, a parasite-infested animation installation on Sunset Boulevard, where many of the franchise’s most beloved characters were born.

There was something in the energy of these early cartoons, said Browngardt. And these five directors: Frank Tashlin, Bob Clampett, Tex Avery before his departure for MGM, Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng. They literally invented a language of cinema.

This last race started in the fall of 2017, when Browngardt met Warner Bros. manager Audrey Diehl for lunch over a possible new series. This doesn’t seem entirely correct to me, Browngardt told him, but could I perhaps make a short film Looney Tunes? He didn’t know it at the time, but an initiative was already underway to revive the classic franchise.

She said, “Why about 1,000 minutes of Looney Tunes shorts?” He recalls. And I was like, well, it’s impossible.

After a meeting between Browngardt and Sam Register, the president of Warner Bros. Animation, the project really started. Browngardt quickly began to assemble a team of true believers, staunch fans who had watched the originals on syndicated television. He enlisted the host Jim Soper for character design (I’ve been waiting my whole life for this call, he told Browngardt) as well as for the screenwriter Ryan Khatam. A lifelong fan, Khatam had collected and cataloged QuickTime versions of all Looney Tunes short films since their debut in 1930, something the studio itself had neglected to do.

I was like, you hired, said Browngardt.

For the story editor, Browngardt recruited Los Angeles-based independent comic artist Johnny Ryan. Before his concert at Looney Tunes, Ryan was perhaps best known for his work on the independent comics Angry Youth Comix and Prison Pit, which feature frequent scenes of nudity, torture, body excretion and random violence. I thought it would be fun, said Ryan.

After the initial summit, the gravity of the project settled. It’s hard, every time you have to work on your favorite thing, said Alex Kirwan, writer and supervising producer. It’s like someone is saying: Okay, everyone is writing new Beatles songs! Everyone goes to work to write Beatles songs.

I would say there was a good month of just terror, he added.

To prepare, the team read classic texts on the show (Bugs Bunny: 50 years and one gray hare) and looked at the kind of acts inspired by vaudeville from which the original artists had drawn (Les Trois Stooges, Laurel and Hardy). Above all, they watched the original cartoons, over 1,000 in all.

I remember watching them as a child and being like, who Humphrey Bogart who wants Elmer Fudd to make him a sandwich ?, said Ryan. What is this strange and secret world? As a child, it is your window to history, great music, incredible comedy. All this goes through cartoons.

The original Termite deck has become legendary for its excessive workload, its abundance of pranks and its general lack of studio surveillance. The directors put a lot of emphasis on art (like Browngardt, a CalArts graduate, these first directors came from artistic circles and often from art schools) and music (hence Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies), and less on formal plots.

In a short cartoon, simplicity is key, said Andrew Farago, curator of Museum of cartoon art in San Francisco and co-author, with Ruth Clampett, of The Looney Tunes Treasury.

Elmer Fudd wants to go to sleep. Bugs Bunny needs a snack, he said. If you can explain the plot in three seconds, anyone in the world can identify with it.

And then there is the impeccable comic timing. For directors like Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng and Tex Avery, it was an art and a science, continued Farago. They knew it was the number of seconds it would take after the coyote hit the ground before a puff of smoke rose.

For Looney Tunes Cartoons, Browngardt and company followed in the footsteps of the masters. In their writers’ room in Burbank, the artists launched ideas based on the simplest of places, which were documented on sticky notes and dry-erase boards.

We don’t do scripts, said Browngardt. I hired designers. So we bring them together in a room and we just draw pictures and gags. Fans of the originals will recognize classic characters (perennials like Daffy Duck and Bugs, of course, but also lesser-known characters like Gauze, a big orange beast created by Chuck Jones in 1946, and the odd mouse couple Hubie and Bertie) and gags (Bugs disguised as a woman; physics and falls defying gravity).

The old violence of Looney Tunes is there too: sticks of dynamite, complicated traps, anvils and safes on unsuspecting heads.

Did not make firearms, said Browngardt. But we can make cartoony TNT violence, the Acme thing. All of this was somehow protected by acquired rights.

The team is currently working remotely and finishes production on the first 1,000 minutes of the house’s cartoons. This represents about 200 caricatures in all; the first batch on HBO Max includes Porky who vigorously sucks the snake venom from Daffys leg; Sylvester haunted by the ghost of Tweety; and a cameo of Satan. Some of the cartoons, said the creators, are still in limbo.

Some of them may have gone a little too far, so they could come out in a different format, said Browngardt. Maybe they’ll go out packed for some type of Adult Swim thing. (Cartoon Network, home to the cheerfully absurd Adult Swim programming block, is part of the Warner Bros. empire.)

In many ways, said Ryan, the toons are both timeless and not of that era. In this wave of the fight against bullying, everyone must be friends, everyone must get along, he said.

Looney Tunes is pretty much the antithesis of that, he continued. His two characters in conflict, sometimes becoming quite violent.

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