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Stricter mask regulations, shorter entertainment hours and remote work measures


In a brief announcement, Health Minister Thanos Plevris said the measures follow recommendations from the expert committee that met yesterday (December 27) on how to treat the highly spread Omicron variant of SARS-CoV -2.

The use of higher protective masks in transport, in supermarkets, in crowds and by staff at catering establishmentsThese are key elements of the measures the government announced on Monday take effect Jan. 3-16 to curb the spread of coronavirus infections after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

In a brief announcement, Health Minister Thanos Plevris said the measures follow recommendations from the expert committee that met yesterday (December 27) on how to treat the highly spread Omicron variant of SARS-CoV -2. Stricter rules may apply if they are not effective. Current restrictions on the use of indoor spaces by unvaccinated people remain in place (museums, indoor cafes and restaurants, theaters, etc.).

The additional measures announced by Plevris are as follows:

  • MASKS:The government recommends the use of FFP2 or KN95 masks by people working in catering establishments and by the public using public transport, shopping in supermarkets and wherever there are crowds. Alternatively, they must wear double surgical masks.
  • FOOD, PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT: These stores will operate until midnight. Music will be allowed for the moment, but if the measure is not respected, the music will be banned. All people using the premises must be seated; standing people are not allowed. Each table should hold a maximum of 6 people, and the tables should be set apart from each other.
  • Sports arenas: Sports fields and arenas can only function on 10% of the total audience capacity of the field. The maximum occupancy is 1000 people per room. If these measures are not respected, future matches will take place without a live audience.
  • SENIOR CARE, HPITAL AND CLINICAL FACILITIES: Controls will be stricter for visitors, and authorized only after a PCR test (48 hours). Medical vendors are prohibited.
  • REMOTE WORK: Up to 50% of staff in the private and public sectors can work from home during this time, Plevris said, and the rotation schedule should be implemented so that staff come to work in stages. This will also avoid congestion in the means of public transport. Each company will decide how many people to work remotely based on their needs.

The Hthe Minister of Health addressed young people in particular, calling on them to be cautious, especially if they have attended busy events. He recommended that they use self-tests to make sure they are not exposing loved ones to the virus and that they stay away if they find out they are infected.

Plevris also said the national health system will manage if the increase in infections is not accompanied by an increase in hospitalizations, in which case more stringent measures will be considered.





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