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Nipsey Hussle’s final moments detailed as murder trial begins | ap-entertainment

Nipsey Hussle’s final moments detailed as murder trial begins |  ap-entertainment


LOS ANGELES (AP) Rapper Nipsey Hussle was shot outside his clothing store in a calculated and premeditated manner by a man upset over a snitching discussion, a prosecutor told jurors on Wednesday at the start of a long-delayed murder trial. .

Assistant District Attorney John McKinney said in his opening statement that there was no doubt that Eric R. Holder knew in advance that he would kill Hussle. The prosecutor described the sequence of events, including the snitching discussion, prior to Hussle’s shooting death three years ago in the South Los Angeles neighborhood where the pair grew up and the rapper was helping revitalize himself. Two others were injured in the shooting.

In addition to shooting Hussle at least 10 times, Holder kicked the rapper in the head before fleeing, McKinney told the jury assembled in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom. .

He clearly thought about what he was going to do before he did it, McKinney told jurors of Holder’s intentions.

Holder, 32, faces one count of first degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder.

Hussle, a hip-hop artist, father of two and beloved Ermias Asghedom from South LA, was shot and killed at age 33 on March 31, 2019, in the parking lot outside his store, known as The Marathon.

McKinney said Holder and Hussle knew each other, having grown up in the same neighborhood where they were members of the same gang, the Rollin 60s.

In his opening statement, McKinney showed jurors videos and photos of the shooting and its aftermath. Footage showed the shooting and Holder fleeing the scene, wearing a red shirt and bandana while carrying a semi-automatic pistol and a revolver. After a two-day manhunt, Holder was arrestedand two months later he was indicted by a grand jury.

McKinney said the shooting stemmed from Hussle hearing that Holder was a snitch and had to clarify that. Prior to filming, he said the rapper and his two friends had a cool chat with Holder. He said Hussle visited the store without any security.

Attorney Aaron Jansen has a formidable task defending Holder, who could face life in prison if convicted. Several eyewitnesses who knew both Holder and Hussle told police and grand jurors that Holder approached Hussle and shot him dead.

Jansen said Hussle’s murder was not premeditated and the killing of the other two men was completely unintentional, making the charges of first degree murder and attempted murder excessive. It is also likely to make the incumbents’ mental health an issue.

On Wednesday, Jansen said Holder was triggered and didn’t have time to calm down before shooting Hussle down, saying it was a case of passionate passion.

Former gang member Herman Cowboy Douglas, who worked at the Marathon, said Hussle did not use the word “golden snitch” upon hearing the conversation. He thought Hussle was trying to give Holder advice in a cold exchange. He said Holder asked Hussle if he had listened to his recent music, but he sensed no animosity between the two men.

He was saying I heard there was paperwork floating around,” Douglas, who recalled Hussle’s words to Holder, said. Douglas was an employee of the clothing store, cleaning the parking lot as well as other duties. He considered himself a mentor to Hussle, saying he was like his little brother.

Douglas, 49, who was wearing a black jacket and a t-shirt with Hussles’ image on both, said Hussle added that I didn’t see (the paperwork). You have to take care of it.

Another key witness expected to testify is the woman, according to McKnney, who unwittingly served as the incumbents’ getaway driver, Bryannita Nicholson.

Holder and Nicholson had stopped to refuel near the Marathon. This led to a chance encounter and a brief conversation between Holder and Hussle.

McKinney said this made Eric Holder want to go back to the parking lot and kill Nipsey Hussle.

McKinney said Holder said at Nicholson Drive before I slapped you, after the shooting.

Lawyers spent nearly two weeks choosing a jury and the trial is expected to last about two more weeks.

Hussle, whose nickname is a play on a famous 1970s comedian, earned the moniker for his work ethic while releasing CDs. He spent years gaining a devoted following through mixtapes and underground releases, and broke through with his major label debut, earning a Grammy nomination just months before his death.

His death went around the world but it was especially felt in his hometown, where people filled the streets to mark his loss and where he was mourned at a memorial in the 20,000-seat arena then known as Staples Center. Nearly a year later, in the same building, his memory was celebrated with a performance by DJ Khaled, Meek Mill John Legend and more at the Grammyson the same day, another local hero, Kobe Bryant, was killed in a helicopter crash.

Hussle left behind his longtime partner, actress Lauren London, with whom he had a son who is now 5 years old. He also had a daughter who is now 13.




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