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Townsville opens doors to Pinks concerts

Townsville opens doors to Pinks concerts


Townsville City Council has opened the gates to Pink's fans after installing three gates across the town, similar to the prop the popstar used at her Summer Carnival concert.

The replica gates have been installed along The Strand, Central Park and Victoria Bridge as Townsville prepares to welcome more than 40,000 visitors from out of town for the Pink concert.

Pink is expected to rock the stage at Queensland Country Bank Stadium on Friday and Saturday night.

Kylie Morgan, from the Bring Pink to Townsville Facebook group, said the gates were the perfect way to welcome spectators into the stadium.

“A few people were doubtful whether Pink would make it to North Queensland and we are more than excited for her to come to Townsville,” Ms Morgan said.

“This will be one of the biggest events to come to Townsville and it’s great to see the community embrace it.”

“Seeing the Pink mural in the city, the city lit up in pink, the businesses behind the concerts, the doors, the excitement on the faces of the locals and the Street Beats artists have all created a buzz in the city.”

A Townsville City Council spokesperson said Townsville was ready to welcome tens of thousands of Pink fans.

“Businesses are stocked up and ready to go, our town has been given the pink treatment and locals are excited to see the international popstar perform at Queensland Country Bank Stadium,” they said.

“Parking in the city is free today, tomorrow, Friday and Saturday and our Street Beats music trail takes place before the concerts and will feature local artists playing music for the promenade from The Strand to Central Park.

“Our city is once again showing that it knows how to host big events and this further strengthens our reputation as the events capital of northern Australia. »

Claudia Brumme-Smith, CEO of Townsville Enterprise, said Pink's visit would generate almost $50 million in economic benefits for the city and attract tens of thousands of visitors to the region.

“Businesses across Townsville North Queensland are gearing up to welcome international mega popstar Pink, and we’re excited to see the region activated and ready for her arrival,” Ms Brumme-smith said.

“The Pink concert was a major coup, cementing the region as the events capital of the North, being able to attract an artist of Pink's caliber to Townsville. North Queensland showcases our region as a place to live, visit and investment.”

“Our new campaign “Ticket for the unexpected” aims to raise awareness of the destination through major events and encourage increased length of stay and spending through attractions and holiday experiences in Townsville North Queensland.

“We know from recent research that events are a key asset in driving visitation. With our range of events, this is quickly becoming a differentiator for us as a North Queensland destination.”

Pink performs for two nights at Queensland Country Bank Stadium.

For more information on the concerts, visit the Council website What's on in Townsville.

Bring pink to Kylie Morgan from the Townsville Facebook group
Legend: Bring pink to Kylie Morgan from the Townsville Facebook group




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