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“3 Body Problem” was delayed several months to add this scene

“3 Body Problem” was delayed several months to add this scene


[This story contains spoilers from Netflix‘s 3 Body Problem.]

those of Netflix 3 Body Problem was actually finished and ready to stream on the streamer in mid-2023.

But showrunners David Benioff, Dan Weiss and Alexander Woo realized they were missing something in their epic sci-fi adaptation of Liu Cixin's acclaimed novels: their first episode quickly immersed viewers in a mystery surrounding the suicides of top scientists and a mix of intelligent characters – but also quickly and, even, rather confusingly.

So they created a scene to film and insert at the very beginning, of Auggie (Eiza González) and Jin (Jess Hong) having drinks at a bar. The five-minute scene accomplishes an extraordinary amount of work in a very short time. The scene introduces Auggie and Jin, gives them the opportunity to literally explain their respective careers (when they are approached by a drunken flirt), gives some insight into their romantic lives (like when Auggie gets a call from Saul), explains a a bit about how science “broke”, connects the duo to Vera's suicide and gradually begins Auggie's countdown. Without the scene, the episode cut from Vera's suicide to the Oxford Five gathering for her funeral, with Auggie already seeing the countdown. Without the scene, it's hard to imagine the episode working as well as it did.

Typically, adding a conversation scene would not have caused such a long delay, but Hollywood strikes extended the time it took to film the episode.

“We wrote the scene the day before the strike,” recalls Weiss. The Hollywood Reporter. “It was literally five pages, but we really thought it was worth it. Netflix was great about this. It would have been very easy for them to say, “You have a finished show that's ready to air, so we can keep it.” [for a scene that’s] five minutes of two people in a bar… that it took courage for them to just say, “Yeah.”

Granting the team additional leeway wasn't a difficult decision, adds Peter Friedlander, Netflix's head of scripting. “I want to tell the best version of this story, and if there's a critical moment that the producers want to capture and we have the time and resources to do it, I want to discover it with them,” he said. he declares. THR. “They were full professionals, full collaborators and their vision was very clear. I don't want the public to miss out on that. So it wasn't a difficult decision for me.

Since the show's release last week, the Rotten Tomatoes review has a score of 3 Body Problem, in both reviews and ratings, have gradually climbed (now up to 77 and 78 percent, respectively), while the series has gone from No. 2 to No. 1 in Netflix's Top 10 ratings. The jury is still out on whether the drama will get a second season, but the showrunners have said it will be even better than the first.




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