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Meet the glamorous girl of Bollywood, who gave the first ever bold photoshoot in India and then left cinema and moved to Pakistan due to…

Meet the glamorous girl of Bollywood, who gave the first ever bold photoshoot in India and then left cinema and moved to Pakistan due to…


Meet Bollywood's glamor girl, the first Indian actress to pose for a bold photoshoot.

From Kiara Advani, Disha Patani to Deepika Padukone, a number of actresses have set the internet on fire with their bold photoshoots. However, do you know that the first Indian actress to do a bold photoshoot was back in the 50s?

Well yes, the actress who did the first ever daring photo shoot started working at the age of 17. She was called the glamor girl of Bollywood and has a special bond with Dilip Kumar and Amrita Singh. She is none other than Begum Para.

Born in Jhelum in British India (now Pakistan), Begum Para grew up in Bikaner. The actress had an older brother, Masrurul Haq, who went to Bombay in the late 1930s to become an actor. There he met and fell in love with Bengali actress Protima Dasgupta and married her. After that, whenever Begum Para visited her brother and sister-in-law, she accompanied her sister on the sets and on many occasions. People would be very impressed by his looks and would offer him many roles.

Begum Para then made her debut in the film Chand, from Prabhat Studios in Poona. The film turned out to be a huge success and started getting paid around Rs. 1500 per month. Soon after, Begum's sister-in-law Para made a film named Chhamia based on the novel Pygmalion, which again was a huge success and Para signed many films after that.

After starring in several films like Sohni Mahiwal, Zanjeer with Ishwarlal and Dikshit, Neel Kamal with Raj Kapoor; Mehendi with Nargis; Suhaag Raat with Bharat Bhushan and Geeta Bali and Jhalka among others, in 1951, Begum Para did a bold photoshoot for Life magazine which created a sensation in the industry and made her popular as a glamor girl of Bollywood, Bombshell, etc. She was also offered to play Nigar Sultana in Mughal-e-Azam but she refused to do so because she considered it against her image.

Begum Para's last role was in the film Kar Bhala in 1956, after which she left cinema. The actress was married to Dilip Kumar's brother Nasir Khan and had three children with him, Lubna, Nadir and actor Ayub Khan. Amrita Singh is also related to Begum Para as she is her grandniece. Amrita Singh is the daughter of Ruksana Sultana, who is the sister of Begum Para. However, after her husband's death, she moved to Pakistan in 1975 to join his family. After a gap of 50 years, Begum Para made a comeback on the big screen with Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Saawariyaa, which failed to impress the audience and was a hit at the box office. In 2008, the actress died in her sleep and breathed her last at the age of 82.

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