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Public Knowledge joins 80+ organizations to urge Congress to support NIST funding request for responsible AI innovation

Public Knowledge joins 80+ organizations to urge Congress to support NIST funding request for responsible AI innovation


Written by Shiva Stella April 23, 2024

Today, Public Knowledge joins a group of more than 80 industry, civil society, nonprofit organizations, universities, trade associations, and research institutions to urge Congress to prioritize funding for the National Institute of Standards and Technology's FY2025 budget request. published a letter asking them to do so. The letter encourages investment in NIST efforts to advance AI research, standards, and testing, including through the recently established National AI Safety Institute.

This collaborative advocacy effort, supported by industry, academia, and organizations from all areas of AI policy, calls for the establishment of an effective AI governance framework through NIST that includes technology standards, test methods, emerging Includes objective technology evaluation methods. In addition to asking Congressional leaders to require agencies to meet the $48 million request for the Science and Technology Research Service account, the group also said that He also expressed concern about some of the latest federal budget cuts.

Below is an excerpt from the letter.

We urge you to prioritize funding for the U.S. Department of Commerce's efforts to advance responsible innovation in artificial intelligence systems in the next fiscal year.

For more than a century, NIST has been a trusted and unbiased leader in developing technology standards and fostering innovation across a wide range of U.S. industries. His world-renowned expertise in measurement science and cutting-edge technology makes him well suited to lead the federal government's efforts to address the complex challenges posed by AIsystems. But years of underfunding have left many NIST facilities in disrepair, forcing researchers to adopt makeshift solutions and workarounds that hurt productivity.

Investing in NIST's unique scientific expertise to identify methods to measure the capabilities, limitations, and potential risks posed by AI systems will build public trust in AI and keep the public safe from harm. You can foster continuous innovation while protecting your business. NIST is committed to developing well-defined technical standards, testing methodologies, and objective evaluation techniques that are prerequisites for an effective AI governance framework, especially as the size and complexity of AI systems rapidly increase. You are uniquely qualified to contribute.

As cutting-edge AI systems rapidly evolve, ensuring NIST has the resources necessary to advance responsible AI innovation will help maintain America's technological leadership and protect our future. is essential.

Chris Lewis, President and CEO of Public Knowledge, commented:

NIST is an important forum for multi-stakeholder development of policies and guidelines based on technical information. As we look for ways to establish U.S. leadership in the development and deployment of innovative, reliable, and responsible AI, we need forums like NIST to be better supported, rather than operated with reduced budgets. you must receive it.

For more information, please see our letter to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

Media members can contact Shiva Stella, Communications Director, with inquiries or interview requests or join Public Knowledge's press list at [email protected] or 405-249-9435 .




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