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Anne Hathaway Slams Casting Tests During Hollywood Casting: I Thought It Looked Disgusting | Hollywood News

Anne Hathaway Slams Casting Tests During Hollywood Casting: I Thought It Looked Disgusting |  Hollywood News


Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway has opened up about a certain practice she encountered early in her film career that she now finds outdated and uncomfortable. The Les Misérables actor revealed that in the 2000s, it was common for casting directors to ask actors to kiss with several potential co-stars to test on-screen chemistry, according to E! News.

It was considered normal to ask an actor to kiss with other actors to test chemistry, which is actually the worst way to do it (sic), the 41-year-old actor revealed in a interview.

Anne, known for her roles in films like The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada, described feeling uncomfortable about the situation. I thought: is there something wrong with me? because I wasn't excited. I thought it looked disgusting, she recalls.

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Despite his discomfort, the actor felt obligated to obey, fearing being labeled difficult. It wasn't a power play, she clarified, adding, “No one was trying to be horrible or hurt me.” It was just a very different time, and now we know it better. Now with more experience and influence in the industry, Anne is campaigning for change. As producer of her latest project The Idea of ​​You, she ensured that such practices were abandoned.

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The film, based on the novel by Robinne Lee, follows the romance between a 40-year-old art gallery owner, Solene (played by Anne), and Hayes Campbell (Nicholas Galitzine), the lead singer of a boy band 24 years old. . When casting for the role opposite her, Anne didn't need a kiss test to confirm Nicholas' suitability. I remember laughing when Nick walked in because he was ridiculously perfect for the role,” she shared.

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Responding to rumors that Hayes Campbell was inspired by Harry Styles, Nicholas bluntly dismissed them. Everyone needs to relax, she insisted. Nicholas echoed her sentiments, emphasizing the character's originality. The Idea of ​​You is scheduled to release on May 2 this year.

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