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A passionate reader and his dictionary-Xinhua

A passionate reader and his dictionary-Xinhua


Aerial photo taken on July 30, 2022 shows a view of the headquarters of the National Archives of Publications and Culture in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Li He)

BEIJING, April 23 (Xinhua) — A dictionary caught the attention of Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to China's National Archives of Publications and Culture last June.

Versions of the Xinhua dictionary published in the 1950s and 1960s were on display, their pages having turned yellowish over time.

The Chinese dictionary, a widely distributed reference work, is among the most popular dictionaries in the world.

“I used these editions,” Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, told those at the scene as he looked at several editions of the dictionary on display, his words tinged with nostalgia .

“I had such a dictionary in my pocket when I worked in the fields. During breaks, I took it out to flip through a page or two, reading character by character,” he recalls.

The president was referring to his life since 1969, when he was sent from Beijing to work as a farmer in Liangjiahe, a village in northwest China's Shaanxi province. He spent seven years there and left at the age of 22.

“I focused on the pronunciations and meanings of a character, to find the precise way to use characters and sentences,” he added.

The memories showed an avid reader who developed the hobby from childhood.

Liangjiahe villagers still remember that Xi brought two suitcases full of books when he arrived in the village. During these years, the village was not yet connected to the electricity network. Xi read under an kerosene lamp.

During his stay, Xi read almost every literary classic he could find. For once, he heard that a young man from Peking had a copy of “Faust.” Xi has come a long way to take it.

After reading Nikolai Chernyshevsky's “What to Do”, Xi imitated the protagonist to temper his will, removing the mattress and sleeping on a bare bed.

In addition to literary books, the young Xi Jinping also immersed himself in classics like “Capital”. By the time he entered college in 1975, he had read the book three times, filling 18 notebooks with his thoughts.

Decades later, he recalled a moving moment reading how Bishop Myriel helped Jean Valjean and changed his life in “Les Miserables,” saying “great works always have such great power to move readers.” .

Xi's passion for reading has remained constant since childhood. Citing an ancient Chinese proverb, Xi once said: “Life is limited, but knowledge is unlimited.” »




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