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Jordan Klepper Takes on Ronna McDaniel's American Problem

Jordan Klepper Takes on Ronna McDaniel's American Problem


In just five days, Ronna McDaniel saw her career as a television pundit born and then brutally executed in full view of the world. And even though Jordan Klepper says he really doesn't care, there's one issue he's highlighting for The daily show correspondent and guest host.

On Friday, NBC News announced it had hired McDaniel as an on-air contributor, sparking immediate backlash among many of the network's VIPs, including Morning JoeMSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski and Rachel Maddow.

McDaniel, the former Republican Party leader, has tried to distance herself from her efforts to overturn the 2020 election. reports indicate his close ties to Donald Trump before the violent insurrection as he attempted to return to the White House.

As of Tuesday, the deal with McDaniels was dead, a mandate that The daily show correspondent/guest host Jordan Klepper says that equates to less screen time than the corpses on Law and order get.

It's sad for Ronna, Klepper shared Wednesday, but also, I really don't care. There are much more important things to worry about. I mean, P. Diddy is on the loose. He could be anywhere!

Klepper said that while his concern about the issue remained nil, he noted that the situation highlighted a larger question in America, namely: What should happen to the people who carried out the January 6 attacks?

Specifically, Klepper is concerned about how the narrative surrounding the insurgents has changed over the past three years.

Immediately after the events of January 6, he explained, everyone, including Trump, at least publicly said that what happened at the Capitol was wrong and that those who participated should be punished.

And the good news is that justice has indeed been served, notes Klepper. The fake voters were charged; Trump lawyers are disbarred; Hundreds of rioters were arrested and put in prison, and this continues to this day.

While most of the world has moved on from the events of that day, Klepper says Trump and his MAGA loyalists, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), are rewriting the script, showing excerpts. of these calling the rioters of that era heroes and patriots and those who were imprisoned as hostages and prisoners of war.

Reacting to the reversal, Klepper insisted: “We cannot normalize this. Do you remember when [Trump] did we waste three months of our lives being angry at Colin Kaepernick for kneeling for the national anthem? Now he salutes the rioters [and] insurgents.

But that's where we are now, Klepper continued. And Ronna McDaniel trying to get a job at NBC is just the latest example of January 6th trying to get back into the mainstream.

Another example? Jacob Chansley, the so-called QAnon shaman who became the painted face of January 6 running for Congress.

Those who made January 6 are trying to return to power, explains Klepper. If they lose, they will play again on January 6. Hell, if they win, they'll probably leave again on January 6th. Just for old times sake.




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