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Universal Studios Hollywood Tour 60th Anniversary Celebrations

Universal Studios Hollywood Tour 60th Anniversary Celebrations


Universal Studios Hollywood will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the iconic Studio Tour in style. Details of the historic experiential event, which will take place from Friday April 26, 2024 to Sunday August 11, 2024, have finally been revealed and include the return of the legendary fan favorite, the Runaway Train.

“The Studio Tour paved the way for the development of Universal Studios Hollywood, and celebrating its 60th anniversary honors its indelible impact,” said Scott Strobl, executive vice president and general manager of Universal Studios Hollywood. “The Studio Tour is a jewel in our theme park portfolio and a beloved attraction for millions of visitors. We are thrilled and honored to share our enthusiasm for its historical relevance with guests who are new to the experience and those who have traveled with it us throughout our journey. the path.”

More than 200 million guests have experienced the Studio Tour since its launch in 1964. Back then, five times a day, Monday through Friday, people got a glimpse into the world of cinema by taking one red and white Glamor trams.

This year, as part of the celebration, tourists and locals will have the chance to relive that experience as several of the iconic candy-striped Studio Tour vehicles return to the back roads, taking guests behind the scenes of the working studio .

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Everyone who participates in the Studio Tour will also have the chance to get off the streetcar they're riding and onto the legendary set of the Bates Motel in Psychology, where an original Glamor tram from 1964, completely restored, will be located. There will also be a series of other photo ops, including the original theme park hanging. Jaws shark and a huge King Kong background.

Plus, few tourists visit Los Angeles without intending to take a selfie with the Hollywood Sign, which is celebrating its centennial this year. As part of the Universal Studios Hollywood commemoration, the Studio Tour event will also debut what is believed to be the first-ever original replica of the Sign. It will be located next to the tram exit.

While the original Hollywood sign is 45 feet tall, this official replica will be 10 feet tall. However, it was “meticulously designed from the historical archives of the Sign” to faithfully recreate the monument. The current sign, installed in 1923 as a billboard for a real estate project called Hollywoodland and today one of the most famous landmarks in the world, is heavily protected and inaccessible to the general public.

“The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is thrilled that this incredible opportunity will allow guests to leave the Universal Studios Hollywood studio tour and get an up-close look at a perfect-scale replica of the Hollywood Sign,” said Steve Nissen , CEO and President of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. “Millions of people have dreamed of climbing the hill to the sign at the top of Mount Lee, so this collaboration with Universal Studios Hollywood is the perfect way to inspire guests around the world to dream big.”

The summer Studio Tour event has several additional highlights to shake things up. Among them, a complete renovation of the heritage Earthquake – The Biggest attraction, which returns with cutting-edge technology and aesthetics. Accessible exclusively as part of the visit, it has allowed visitors to experience an 8.3 magnitude earthquake since its opening in 1989.

Fans of the multimillion-dollar Oscar-winning film Back to the future The franchise will be excited to see Courthouse Square, where key scenes were filmed. There they will find an original time machine car with Doc Brown not far away. Elsewhere, fans of jurassic park series, one of the highest-grossing film series of all time, having grossed over $6 billion at the worldwide box office, will also get to see a massive, growling Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur exhibit used to promote the film. Jurassic world movie.

Fans with older memories and who like to keep things very old school will be especially happy to know that the 1976 Runaway Train will be returning as part of the celebration. It will be stationary but the beloved bells and sirens will be back. The tram screens will also show clips of other former Studio Tour attractions as they once appeared on the tour.

Once the tour, which also includes the standard Jaws, Fast & Furious: Supercharged And King Kong: 360 3D And War of the Worlds elements of the decor, has been experienced, guests will also be able to continue the cinematic celebration in the theme park with a plethora of themed food and drinks as well as a special dining pass. Of course, there will also be a brand new merch collection dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Studio Tour, which includes everything from popcorn buckets and pillows to clothing and candy.




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