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Bollywood Ramayanam wants Trivikram's help?

Bollywood Ramayanam wants Trivikram's help?

The magician of words, Trivikram Srinivas, had been facing strong criticism for some time. The same movie buffs who became his fans with his works like Athadu have not appreciated his recent works like Guntur Kaaram. Their criticism is that its dialogues are mediocre, as are its stories. While his next is rumored to be with Allu Arjun, a new rumor is doing the rounds that he has received an offer for Bollywood's next biggest project.

Bollywood has been trying to make films on a large scale ever since South films like Baahubali, KGF and RRR became pan-Indian blockbusters. In their latest attempt, they are presenting a film on the Ramayana, reportedly made on a huge budget and in multiple languages. Although the film has not been launched officially due to sentiments, pre-production and other works have reportedly been initiated by director Nitish Tiwari.

Although the film is made in Hindi, the makers are planning to release it in other languages ​​with equal care. For the same reason, they cater to elite writers of regional languages ​​for dialogues. Trivikram was reportedly approached to write Telugu conversations for the Ramayanam, thanks to his extensive knowledge of epics and mythology.

Trivikram stopped writing for other directors' films a long time ago. Jai Chiranjeeva, Bheemla Nayak and BRO were exceptions for obvious reasons and they say the chances are slim of convincing our star director to write the dialogues for Bollywood Ramayanam. The Ramayanam team is also considering Sai Madhav Burra as the second option and we have to see what happens.

As of now, the star cast is reportedly finalized with Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, Yash, Bobby Deol and Rakul Preet in the lead roles.




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