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Oscar-winning Hollywood star seen exhilarated by Tesco's everyday delights

Oscar-winning Hollywood star seen exhilarated by Tesco's everyday delights


Virgin Radio

April 4, 2024, 11:24

The Oscar winner adds sparkle to the standard supermarket scene. Lights, camera… Can I get a prize check for a can of Heinz beans, please.

Who would have thought that in the middle of the mundane aisles of Tesco you could bump into none other than Hollywood royalty Julianne Moorespend the best time of your life choosing your few pieces?

The iconic Oscar winner The actress, known for her dazzling performances on the big screen, proves that even the stars enjoy a good old-fashioned grocery run.

Recently, Moore celebrated her friend Kibriya's birthday in true Hollywood style, sharing candid snapshots of their TESCO adventure on Instagram.

In a delightful selfie, Moore beams with joy as she holds a carton of milk, capturing the essence of everyday magic amid cereal boxes and frozen peas.

Fans couldn't contain their excitement, with Instagram exploding in disbelief at the sight of Moore gracing the aisles of Tesco.

User thetiredlecturer wrote: Unexpected item in the bagging area at Tesco, which is an understatement.

And another user, dirtywitches, summed it up perfectly: “If I saw Julianne Moore in Tesco I would lose my shit.”

Meanwhile, others imagined the surreal scenario of meeting Moore while shopping, with amelia_elasar musing: “imagine bumping into JULIANNE MOORE in your local Tesco.”

The unexpected encounter at Tesco comes as a delightful surprise, especially after Moore's controversial remarks about mashed potatoes sparked outrage among food lovers.

Speaking on the HappySadConfused podcast in December, the star asked: “Why do people like mashed potatoes? They're just mashed potatoes. People love them. They're just mashed potatoes. potatoes.”

But fear not, because Moore's charming presence in the frozen food aisle has surely won back the hearts of Brits, proving that even Hollywood stars have their quirky culinary opinions.

Previously, Moore raised eyebrows with his outspoken commentary on British politics, calling then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson a “clown”.

With her bold statements and vibrant personality, Moore adds a touch of glamor to everyday life, whether on the red carpet or at the checkout counter.

So next time you're strolling through the supermarket, keep your eyes peeled for the unexpected sight of Julianne Moore turning grocery shopping into a star-studded affair.

Who knows? You might just be able to catch a glimpse of Hollywood magic in the aisles of Tesco.




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