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The fourth “Bridget Jones” film with Renée Zellweger is in preparation

The fourth “Bridget Jones” film with Renée Zellweger is in preparation


Bridget Jones returns to the screen.

After months of silent chess piece moves, Universal Pictures and Working Title have finally put together the talent to Bridget Jones: Boy Crazythe fourth installment of the UK-based romantic comedy series.

Renée Zellweger is expected to return as the lovable but restless Jones, as is Hugh Grant as rapscallion Daniel Cleaver. Emma Thompson, who appeared in the 2016 entry, Bridget Jones' babyis also returning, while newcomers include Chiwetel Ejiofor and newcomer Leo Woodall, best known for his work in the second season of THE White Lotus.

Michael Morris, who directed the Andrea Riseborough drama To Leslie, will sit in the director's chair when the cameras roll for the feature, which adapts the bestselling 2013 novel by Jones creator Helen Fielding. Fielding also wrote the screenplay with contributions from Abi Morgan and Dan Mazer.

Readers and audiences have seen Jones have love triangles, find romance, and even have a baby, but in the novel Crazy for a boy, the woman found new levels of embarrassment as tweets and texts were added to her timeline as a form of expression. Jones now navigates life, work, family, and love as a 51-year-old single mother and widow, to boot (I know, right?!). And of course, there's hot sex with a 30 year old man.

Universal will release the romantic comedy on Peacock on Valentine's Day 2025, while internationally it will be released in theaters.

Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner and Jo Wallett produce through Working Title Films, while the company's Amelia Granger and Sarah-Jane Wright serve as executive producers. Fielding will also serve as executive producer on the project. Miramax is co-financing the feature film.

Zellweger first played Jones in the 2001 adaptation, which not only proved to be a huge hit, but it earned her a Best Actress Oscar nomination. Grant and Colin Firth also starred in the film, with the trio returning for the 2004 sequel, Bridget Jones: On the Edge of Sanity. Grant was absent from 2016 Bridget Jones' babyalthough Zellweger and Firth returned.

The trio of films grossed more than $760 million at the worldwide box office.

Zellweger's last big screen outing was Judy, the 2019 biopic of actress Judy Garland, for which she won her second Academy Award. She is repped by CAA and John Carrabino Management.

Most recently, Grant could be seen in the limited series Max The system of government in a leading role opposite Kate Winslet. He also stole scenes in Warner Bros. Wonka in the role of a diminutive Oompa Loompa. The film grossed over $625 million worldwide. It is replaced by the CAA.

Thompson, replaced by CAA and Hamilton Hodell, last appeared in Netflix Mathilde: the musical.

Ejiofor recently starred in the Showtime series The man who fell to Earthand at the Sundance Film Festival in January, he unveiled his second feature as director, the drama Rob Peace. It is replaced by the CAA; Markham, Froggatt and Irwin in the United Kingdom; and Hirsch Wallerstein.

In The White Lotus, Woodall played Jack, a British boy who helps plan the murder of another character in the second season of the hit Italian series. He is currently starring in the Netflix romantic drama A day and recently starred in James Vanderbilt's legal drama Nuremberg alongside Russell Crowe, Rami Malek and Michael Shannon. He is repped by Gersh, Hamilton Hodell, Anonymous Content and Goodman Genow.

Morris, who was also executive producer and director of the final season of You better call Saulis replaced by UTA and Paul Hastings.

Erik Baiers, senior executive vice president of production development, and Jacqueline Garell, creative director of production development, will oversee the project on behalf of Universal.




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