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MSU Students, Area Artists Present Musical Production | News, Sports, Jobs

MSU Students, Area Artists Present Musical Production |  News, Sports, Jobs


Submitted Photo The Hunchback of Notre Dame cast members at dress rehearsal, from left, are Kaylee Capp as Clopin, Evan Putt as Frollo, Kylee Cook as Esmeralda, Shad Huber as as Phoebus and Jared Kolles as Quasimodo. Photo by Rick Heit.

Minot State University students and area artists tell the story of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” during performances today, April 12, and again Saturday, April 13.

Performances begin at 7 p.m. each evening in the Ann Nicole Nelson Hall on the MSU campus.

“Our production of ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ is a collaboration between MSU’s Department of Fine and Performing Arts and the Western Plains Opera Company,” Sarah Honerman, assistant professor of theater, said.

The show is produced by Emerson Eads, director of choral activities and assistant professor of music, directed by Sarah Honerman, assistant professor of theater, and directed by Abbie Eads.

“This show is the largest and most ambitious production I have ever been a part of and it took a village to make it happen,” Evan Putt, who plays Frollo, said.“The nuance and dynamic that the cast and crew have brought to this series is a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.”

The Minot community comes together to put on this once-in-a-lifetime show. The cast includes many performers, including MSU students, choir and community members.

“The MSU Choir appears alongside other MSU students and Minot area artists to present this beautiful story of what it means to be “other.” Perhaps one of the greatest lessons we learn from this magnificent show is 'what makes a monster and what makes a man'” » said Honorman.

“The Hunchback of Notre Dame” is a story told through the ages. Film adaptations were made in 1939 and the classic Disney story in 1996. Each story depicts the ugliness and beauty that is humanity.

“Characters on stage routinely face discrimination and judgment based on what they look like, where they come from, and how they spend their time,” » said Honorman.

“As a newly hired assistant professor of theater, I am excited to share this production with the Minot area. Seeing theater return with class offerings and more performances during the academic year is exciting,” she added.

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