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One Man's 'Accurate' Portrayal of How Bollywood Actors Operate in Films Will Leave You ROFL

One Man's 'Accurate' Portrayal of How Bollywood Actors Operate in Films Will Leave You ROFL


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The video imitated actors like SRK, Hrithik Roshan, Varun Dhawan and more.  (Photo credits: Instagram)

The video imitated actors like SRK, Hrithik Roshan, Varun Dhawan and more. (Photo credits: Instagram)

Video creator Shashwat Arvind imitated scenes from films like Hera Pheri and Gangs of Wasseypur.

The actors have their own style. Accept? While it's common to imitate the way actors speak, it takes special observation to show how superstars run. Recently, Shashwat Arvind, a content creator, shared a video showing how some of India's biggest celebrities run. The observation was based on hit films like Hera Pheri, Gangs of Wasseypur, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Sholay and other similar classics. He spoke about how Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Manoj Bajpai, Kajol, Rajinikanth, Shahid Kapoor, Nana Patekar and others run in films. Even though his facial expressions are a bit exaggerated and based on a handful of films, the video compilation turns out to be hilarious.

This video has so far garnered over eight million likes since it was shared on April 7. Commenting, an Instagram user wrote: I was making fun of Kajols but literally snorted when Thakur came. Another person wrote: Selmon boi was the best, especially the one who wipes his nose. Even Pankaj Tripathi ROFL. One X user joked, Legends says my brother never stopped running. Someone observed, Shahid Kapoor Bhai Kabir Singh, on the spot. According to the video caption, this video is part one of a three-part series, so keep an eye out for the next two videos.

This isn't the only unique mimicry or imitation video that has gone viral. Earlier this month, mimicry artist Sumedh Shinde released a video in which Ed Sheeran sang Perfect, but with the voices of India's most popular singers. Shinde reprized the romantic number with the voices of artists like Udit Narayan and then moved on to Abhijeet Bhattacharya, Sonu Nigam, SP Balasubrahmanyam, Annu Malik, AR Rahman, Adnan Sami and Mika Singh.

In his video, Shinde masterfully captured the essence of each singer and made sure to capture the subtle accents of Mika Singh, who hails from Punjab, and SP Balasubrahmanyam, who hails from Andhra Pradesh. In the comments, people praised Shinde's impressive video and mimicry concept. One Instagram user wrote: “Brother… imitating someone is a talent, but singing and with these voice notes and transition. Take a bow, you've just moved 100 notches ahead as an artist. Another commented: Seriously Sumedh, please try for Hollywood, you are in the wrong place, trust me, please imagine Hollywood for once, you are immensely talented!! God bless you bhaaii, you are a STAR!!!




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