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Taylor Swift's catalog returns to TikTok ahead of new album

Taylor Swift's catalog returns to TikTok ahead of new album


Much of Taylor Swift's discography returned to TikTok on Thursday, April 11, just over a week before the scheduled release of her new album, The Department of Tortured Poetsrelease scheduled for April 19.

Official audio for hits like “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version)”, “Cruel Summer” and “Style (Taylor's Version)” are among the songs now available with which users can create videos on the short application. . It appears there is no official audio for Swift's songs released before her album. Loveri.e. the original recordings of Without fear, speak now And Red – recorded for the Big Machine label – are not available, although his recent re-recordings of these albums are.

Swift's catalog was removed from TikTok in early February after her label and publisher's parent company, Universal Music Group, announced that it was letting its licensing deal with TikTok expire, citing that the app was unwilling to pay for the “fair value” of music, as well as other concerns such as AI and artist safety. This has affected the songs of many of music's biggest stars, including Swift, Drake, SZA , Olivia Rodrigo and many others, all of whom have recording and/or publishing deals with the company.

For Swift, ownership of her Big Machine catalog has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. His first six albums – spanning his self-titled debut from 2006 to 2017 Reputation – were sold to Brown Scooter in 2019 after manager and entrepreneur Ithaca Holdings acquired Big Machine in a deal worth more than $300 million.

This sparked a backlash from Swift, who vowed to re-record each of these albums in order to re-release them and own the recordings herself; she has since released “Taylor's Version” re-recordings of Intrepid, Red, Speak Now And 1989. In 2018, Swift signed a deal with UMG to license her future recordings to Republic Records, and has since released four additional albums under that deal, to which she also owns the copyright. While it's unclear why her recordings are back on TikTok, it's worth noting that the tracks she owns are the ones that are available.

In a letter to its artists on January 30 explaining the licensing dispute, UMG wrote: “Regarding the issue of artist and songwriter compensation, TikTok has offered to pay our artists and songwriters at a rate that represents a fraction of the rate that is similarly situated. the big social platforms pay.

TikTok fired back hours later at UMG's announcement, saying: “It is sad and disappointing that Universal Music Group has placed its own greed above the interests of its artists and songwriters.”

In addition to her contract with Republic Records, Swift has signed with Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG) as a songwriter since 2020; previously, she was signed to Sony Music Publishing as a songwriter. His frequent collaborator, Jack Antonoffwas also signed to Sony Music Publishing until moving to UMPG in August 2023.

Representatives for TikTok, Universal and UMPG did not immediately respond to requests for comment.




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