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Dustin Hoffman and Helen Hunt cast in new Peter Greenaways film | Entertainment

Dustin Hoffman and Helen Hunt cast in new Peter Greenaways film |  Entertainment


Dustin Hoffman and Helen Hunt have been cast in Peter Greenaway's new film.

The duo are set to star in the British filmmaker's latest project which has begun principal photography in Lucca, Italy.

The story is based on Greenaway's original screenplay and focuses on an intelligent man named Jacob whose last great adventure should be his own death. He wants to die in an elegant, sensible, orderly way and leave behind as few details as possible.

Sofia Boutella, Giacomo Gianniotti, Jonno Davies and Laura Morante also have roles in the untitled film which marks Greenaway's first film since 2015.

The 82-year-old director said: “The theme of this film is very relevant and topical in our times, where the subject of end of life is in the headlines every day. with such an extraordinary lineup of cast, crew and personal collaborators to bring this special story to the big screen.

“With ironic provocation, the film is willing to seriously ask whether death is necessary, and if it is, should we not be available to decide where and when? And even how? If we are really going to die, Shouldn’t we be involved in decision-making?”

Greenaway explained that Dustin's alter ego was named Jacob after the biblical figure of the same name.

The filmmaker told Screen Daily: “He plays the character of Jacob. If you know your Bible, you know that Jacob fought with the angels. In a curious autobiographical way, it's me who fights with the angels. angels.”

He explained that Morgan Freeman had been attached to star in the film but a change in producers forced him to leave and led to the opportunity to involve the “Rain Man” star.

Greenaway said: “Yes, once upon a time, but we changed producers. The finances got richer and richer. It's quite an expensive film and so now we're using the very, very exciting possibilities of working with Dustin Hoffman.”




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