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Raquel Lee Bolleau says she has nothing left for Hollywood after quiet on-set experience

Raquel Lee Bolleau says she has nothing left for Hollywood after quiet on-set experience


In a TikTok shared Thursday, Nickelodeons Amanda Show former Raquel Lee Bolleau, who featured in the docuseries Investigation Discoveries Calm on set: The dark side of televisionsays she was disappointed by her experience with the children's television network's toxic-set docuseries.

The documentary's directors, Mary Robertson and Emma Schwartz, were recently joined by participants Drake Bell, Giovannie Samuels, Bryan Christopher Hearne and co-executive producer Kate Taylor, to a panel discussion for an Emmys FYC event, hosted by Scaachi Koul, who explored the impact of what became a hit documentary series for ID and streamer Max. The five-part series allegations described abuse, sexism, racism and inappropriate behavior involving underage stars and crew members on Nickelodeon TV sets directed by Dan Schneider.

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Do you think they invited me? the former child star asked in her video, referencing the Los Angeles event.

Bolleau continued (watch below): Let me tell you what my problem is with this industry: Calm on set did the same thing the industry always does: they get what they want from you and then it's over. They would never have thought that I would want to participate in such a discussion.

She said such treatment was a very difficult thing for her to face, citing past hurts from her experience as a child actress. This industry has done nothing but harm me, left and right, since I was a child, Bolleau said.

Another Calm on set participant, Marc Summers, former host of Dare twicerecently he said he left the set of the documentary series. They ambushed me, he claimed. They never told me what this documentary was actually about. And so, they showed me a video of something that I couldn't believe existed on Nickelodeon and I said, “Whoah, let's stop the tape there.” What are we doing?'

The co-directors said in response via a statement to The Hollywood ReporterWe are clear with each participant about the nature of our projects.

In his video, Bolleau also claimed that the filmmakers did not tell him what the documentary would actually focus on. First of all, you don't even tell me what type of documentary I'm going to be part of, she said. You never questioned whether or not this was going to be triggering for me.

It should be noted that sometimes in investigative reporting, journalists discover the exact nature of the story during the course of their reporting. Yet various allegations against Schneider have been public since 2018 and the executive producer and Business Insider Journalist Kate Taylor published an in-depth investigative article on Schneider in August 2022.

Bolleau continued: “Number two, it comes out and you're like, Oh, you're going to be in episodes number one and number four. And then you call me the day the fifth episode is going to come out and you say, Hey, by the way, just to let you know, you're in the fifth episode too. But you also forgot to say: Oh, and you were also going to have a roundtable discussion to talk about your current situation and how we can move forward. You want me to share my story but don't want to involve me in the real story of change?

THR has contacted Robertson, Schwartz and ID for comment.

Following the success of the four-part two-night series, ID has given the green light to a fifth bonus episode, Break the silencereleased on April 7.

There has been a varying deluge of conversations on social media and that's because Calm on set is part of something much bigger than itself, a true movement for change, Jason Sarlanis, President of TNT, TBS, TruTV, ID & HLN, Linear and Streaming, recently said THR about the docuseries. It has become incredibly clear that as an industry, when it comes to kids and entertainment, we simply have to do better.

Last month, the former Amanda Show writer Jenny Kilgen, who also features in the documentary, wrote an open letter has SAG-AFTRA, urging them to take steps to initiate and institute strong child safety protocols to protect young actors. She also expressed support for state and federal legislation, which Robertson and Schwartz already said it THR This was an area they hoped would change after the success of the documentary. The actors' union has since replied by describing the processes they have put in place.

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