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Blair Witch actor slams new reboot after '25 years of disrespect'

Blair Witch actor slams new reboot after '25 years of disrespect'


An actor from the original Blair Witch Project The film is about a recently announced reboot of the franchise 25 years later.

On April 10 at CinemaCon 2024, Lionsgate and Blumhouse announced a new Blair Witch The film is currently in development, as Adam Fogelson, president of the Lionsgate Motion Picture Group, said in a statement that the “new vision” will “reintroduce this horror classic for a new generation.”

The 1999 original proved to be a box office success on a tiny budget, and it was followed by a less well-received sequel,Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2in 2000, plus a reboot in 2016.

Joshua Leonard, who starred in the original horror film alongside Heather Donahue and Michael C. Williams, shared a job on social media on April 11, expressing his “frustration” with the reboot and saying he only knew about the new project after it made headlines last week.

Leonard also alleged that he and the other cast and crew were not properly compensated after the success of the 1999 film. (He says they made $300,000 “and NEVER saw another cent .”)

A Lionsgate spokesperson did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment.

Heather Donahue in “The Blair Witch Project” (1999).


“There were many factors that made BWP successful: timing, marketing, etc. But there was also the FACT that us weirdos came together, with virtually no resources, AND MADE A MOVIE THAT WORKED!” wrote Leonardo. “Can we just go on record and say that the film itself is a big part of why we're still talking about it 25 years later?”

“I'm so proud of our little punk-rock movie and I LOVE the fans who keep the flames burning. But at this point, it's 25 years of disrespect from the people who have taken the lion's share (thumb of words) of the profits of OUR film, and it seems both disgusting and classless.

Leonard, who said he has since been in contact with Lionsgate about the matter, noted in another job on April 12, he said, “I don't know if we have a legal basis to fall back on,” but that “money is not the issue.”

“We signed contracts as kids, without any legal or union support. We were struggling artists, and the fact that we didn't have to worry about food and rent for a while was great. a victory as great as any of us could have dreamed of,” he wrote. “I will never be grateful to BWP for all the incredible things that resulted from it.”

He argued, however, that the issue “is not legal, but a matter of human decency.”

“The age-old saga of not giving proper credit and respect to the people who make things in this world – to the artisans who support the businesses that make their profits,” wrote Leonard, who added that he was “at 99 % retired from industry. “and I'm no longer afraid of who might blacklist me.”

Joshua Leonard in The Blair Witch Project.

Craft Entertainment/Getty

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New Blair Witch The film will be produced by Roy Lee and Jason Blum, the latter being behind the lucrative Paranormal activity franchise.

“I am a great admirer ofThe Blair Witch Project“, which brought the idea of ​​found footage horror to the mainstream and became a true cultural phenomenon,” Blum said in a statement last week.

“I don't think there would have been aParanormal activityif there had not first been aBlair Witchso this seems like a really special opportunity and I can’t wait to see where it goes,” he said.




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