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12th Failure Vikas Divyakirti Reviews Ranbir Kapoors Film Badtameez Animal: Takes Our Society Back 10 Years | Bollywood News

12th Failure Vikas Divyakirti Reviews Ranbir Kapoors Film Badtameez Animal: Takes Our Society Back 10 Years |  Bollywood News


Educationist and civil servant Vikas Divyakirti, who played himself in the hit film 12th failure, recently weighed in on the controversy surrounding director Sandeep Reddy's film Vanga. Animal. In an interview, he said that the Ranbir Kapoor starrer should not have been made. Appearing on Neelesh Misra's Slow Interview series, Vikas Divyakirti called Animal a “fuhad and badtameez film” and said, “A film like Animal takes our society back 10 years.” A film like this should not be made. You made money. You have shown that your hero behaves like an animal. Should there be some social value, or are people only working for financial value? »

He also regretted the controversial scene in the film where Ranbir's character Vijay asks Triti Dimri's character Zoya to lick his shoe to prove her love for him. She almost gives in, but Vijay walks away. Reacting to this scene, Vikas said, “After watching the film, what if boys who have a feudal mindset and are not so mature want to test their girlfriend's love by asking them to lick their shoe, so what? We're making a film that's so vulgar and angry. so it's very sad (it's sad when we make such careless and petty films) but both types of forces are still there in the world.

Vikas Divyakirti is best known as the founder of an IAS coaching institute. He played himself in 12th Fail, directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, and is also credited as one of the screenwriters of the film.

While Animal received widespread criticism from film critics, a section of the media and the public, the film went on to gross over Rs 900 crore at the worldwide box office. Recently, actress Vidya Balan, who is promoting her film Do Aur Do Pyaar, praised the Animal filmmakers for their conviction. In an interview with Pinkvilla, Vidya had said, “Conviction is the name of the game here. We are told that content is king. But you can present great content in an unconvincing way. The animal is a great example of this. I don't mean the content wasn't good, but they didn't apologize or question it. They told the story unapologetically. And look how the movie performed. When you tell a story, don't apologize.

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