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Hollywood producer criticizes Sydney Sweeney for not being pretty and acting badly, but she is defended – GeekTyrant

Hollywood producer criticizes Sydney Sweeney for not being pretty and acting badly, but she is defended – GeekTyrant


Sydney Sweeney is currently a rising star in Hollywood. She has recently appeared in several film projects, and she has many more in the works.

With success comes people who seek to drag them down. This happens everywhere, even outside of Hollywood.

Last week, veteran Hollywood producer Carole Baum said at an event that Sweeney wasn't pretty and couldn't act. She also commented on her hit romantic comedy Anyone but yousaying it was unwatchable.

Baum, who produced films such as Dead Ringers, Father of the Bride And Buffy the Vampire Slayer, made the comments about Sweeney during a discussion in Pleasantville, New York, with New York Times film critic Janet Maslin.

According to Daily Mail, Baum said, “There's one actress that everyone loves now: Sydney Sweeney. I don't understand Sydney Sweeney. I was watching the Sydney film Sweeneys on the plane [Anyone but You] because I wanted to watch it.

I wanted to know who she is and why everyone is talking about her. I watched this unwatchable movie sorry for people who love this romantic comedy where they hate each other.

Baum, who is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California, continued: I said to my class: Explain this girl to me. She's not pretty, she doesn't know how to play. Why is she so hot? Nobody had an answer.

She added: But then the question came up: Well, if you could get your movie made because she was in it, would you? This is a very difficult question to answer because we all want the movie to get made and who walks away from the green light? I do not know anyone. Your job is to make the film.

A representative for Sweeney has since fired back against Baum, saying in a statement to Variety: How sad that a woman in a position to share her expertise and experience would instead choose to take it out on another woman.

If this is what she has learned over her decades in the industry and feels is appropriate to teach to her students, that is shameful. Unfairly denigrating a fellow producer says a lot about Ms. Baum's character.

The actress' acting coach, Scott Sedita, also came to her defense, saying: She's been through the ups and downs of this business.

So you have to be a pretty serious actress if you want to experience all that. When she receives comments or criticism, she processes them, uses her playing technique and makes adjustments.

He went on to say: Sydney is beautiful because she has an inner depth, an intellect, compassion, style and facial features – the eyes, the smile, the cheekbones – that the camera angles capture.

The camera likes his “look” and so does the audience. Audiences love her because she is approachable and approachable.

Although many people feel the same way about Sweeney as Baum, she's kind of the star of the moment, and it's safe to say we'll be seeing more and more of her.




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