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Man sets himself on fire outside Trump's secret trial in New York | Donald Trump News

Man sets himself on fire outside Trump's secret trial in New York |  Donald Trump News



U.S. emergency crews put out the flames and took the man away on a stretcher. He remains in critical condition.

A man set himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse where former US President Donald Trump is on trial for falsifying business records, authorities said.

The incident occurred Friday afternoon, as the fourth day of the Trump trial was underway. Witnesses reported seeing the man covered in flames outside the courthouse, in a park across the street.

A CNN correspondent was reporting live when the incident occurred. There is chaos occurring, CNN anchor Laura Coates said, describing the scene. I can smell the burning odor of the agent used.

“We now have officers taking off their coats, trying to surround his body to engulf it and prevent it from igniting further,” she continued. People climb the barricade to try to separate the public from this man.

Video showed the man still in flames and shaking on the concrete as a police officer rushed in with a fire extinguisher.

He was later identified by police as Maxwell Azzarello, a native of St. Augustine, Florida, who had arrived in New York earlier in the week. Police officials said he was in critical condition.

They did not give Azzarello's exact age but said he was born in 1987. He used an alcohol-based cleaning product to start the fire.

An official and witnesses at the scene also told reporters that Azzarello had thrown conspiracy theory-style pamphlets into the air before the incident. One of these pamphlets was titled The True History of the World (Haunted Carnival Edition) and contained references to evil billionaires.

It was not immediately clear whether his actions were directly related to the Trump trial.

News trucks are parked near where a man set himself on fire outside the Trump trial in New York. [Angela Weiss/AFP]

Politico reporter Emily Ngo said police appeared to have difficulty reaching Azzarello at first due to barricades placed around the park.

Massive security measures were put in place to protect the courthouse while the trial took place.

Inside, Trump faces criminal charges related to hush-money payments he allegedly made to adult film star Stormy Daniels. This is the first criminal trial of a former US president in the country's history.

Journalists from around the world were present at the courthouse during the trial.

Writing on social media platform X, Ngo described the fire as an active and very frightening scene.

He reacted when he was kicked out, but he was burned very, very badly. Charred body, she writes about Azzarello.

Witnesses at the scene said pro-Trump supporters were near him when he set himself on fire. They scattered as the fire grew.

Azzarello was carried away on a stretcher. A backpack and a gasoline can remained visible at the scene.

A backpack is left where a man allegedly set himself on fire outside the Trump trial in New York. [Angela Weiss/AFP]

Moments before the incident, jury selection was complete. A full jury of 12 and six alternates was seated for Trump's trial, paving the way for opening statements next week.

The jury includes a sales professional, a software engineer, an English teacher and several lawyers.

Prosecution and defense attorneys spent days interviewing hundreds of New Yorkers to determine whether they could serve on the jury impartially and fairly. Dozens of potential jurors were dismissed after saying they didn't think they could meet that standard.

The judge ruled that the names of the jurors would be known only to prosecutors, Trump and their legal teams.




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