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Vidya Balan: Family should not come between a married couple | Bollywood

Vidya Balan: Family should not come between a married couple |  Bollywood


Vidya Balan offers relationship advice to married couples, their friends and family. She thinks that people should not interfere in a couple's affairs and let them solve their problems themselves. In a new interview, she emphasized the importance of communication in a relationship. (Also read: Do Aur Do Pyaar review: Vidya Balan is the soul of this mushy, messy tale that is both complex and accessible)

Vidya Balan poses for a photo while promoting her Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy, Do Aur Do Pyaar.  (AFP)
Vidya Balan poses for a photo while promoting her Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy, Do Aur Do Pyaar. (AFP)

Communication is crucial

Speaking to India Today, she said, “To realize that marriage is between two people and must remain between two people at all times, whatever it takes to achieve it, communication and sharing is very crucial. »

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“You can't bring in another person, whether they're family or friends, no one can be a part of the relationship between two people, especially in a marriage. It's so delicious complex, intimate and personal that no third person can know how one feels about the other. There is a beautiful line in the film that says: “Show up every day.” “It's the relationship,” she added.

In another interview with ANI, the Parineeta actor spoke about the importance of open communication in relationships.

On marriage to Siddharth

“I believe that every couple has their own mantra, but in my opinion, if we communicate openly about everything, it can be very helpful,” the actor said.

Discussing her relationship with husband Siddharth Roy Kapur, Vidya Balan shared, “Siddharth and I discuss everything, if someone feels bad or gets angry, or if there is love, we Let's express honestly, which is very important. Sharing everything is crucial for a couple and spending a lot of time together, especially enjoying biryani together, is very important.

Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapur got married in Mumbai on December 14, 2012, after dating for a few years.

Do Aur Do Pyaar is directed by award-winning ad filmmaker Shirsha Guha Thakurta. It is his first feature film and will be released in theaters on April 19, 2024.

The trailer, released earlier this month, offers a glimpse into the complexities of modern relationships, inviting audiences of all ages to embark on a journey filled with laughter, tears and love. Also starring Pratik Gandhi, Illeana D'Cruz and Sendhil Ramamurthy, the film boasts an exceptional cast that is likely to captivate the viewers.




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