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Fashion week: Loewe makes lamps

Fashion week: Loewe makes lamps


Welcome to Fashion Week, BazaarIt's an at-a-glance guide to what the industry is talking about.

This week we focused on Salone del Mobile Milano (AKA Milan Design Week), which takes place April 16-21.

Bottega will not be put in a box

At the Bottega Veneta Winter 24 show, creative director Matthieu Blazy explained the show scenography in his show notes, saying: “I visited and thought about southern Italy, Calabria and cacti. It’s an idea of ​​resilience: the cactus grows where nothing else can grow. I would like the ground to be seen like this landscape; the series can have a feeling of introspection, but with resilience and a sense of hope.

In his effort to reflect resilience, Blazy filled the room with Le Corbusier's LC14 Cabanon stools, a legendary piece of furniture born when Le Corbusier found a whiskey can and decided to repurpose it.

Now, months after attendees sat on special editions of these stools, a collaboration between Bottega Veneta and Cassina (the seller of the stools), a few of these pieces have become a hot item when They were exhibited during Milan Design Week, where they were also available. buy.

Moncler goes mobile

For Salone del Mobile Milano, the Italian fashion house transformed Milano Centrale train station into one of the largest public galleries in the world, where it hosted an immersive exhibition titled An Invitation To Dream.

Dreams are what have kept me and Moncler going since day one, because we never stop dreaming of what is possible and how we can inspire and be inspired by others around the world, said CEO and President Remo Ruffini. always aiming to
not only do something new, but do better.

Curated by Jefferson Hack and filmed and photographed by Jack Davison, the exhibition brought together creative forces such as Daniel Arsham, Laila Gohar, Jeremy O. Harris, Francesca Hayward, Rina Sawayama and many others for an event that took over the world. one of the liveliest centers in the world. city.

As part of the exhibition, all of the station's screens were rewired to create a dreamscape, and visitors could also appreciate Davison's hand-printed lithographic prints which were on display.

Loewe lights up Milan

In addition to being known for its artistic fashion, Loewe has slowly crept into the design space, offering everything from stunning pillows to exquisitely designed candles that beautify any space. So it was no surprise when the Spanish fashion house launched an impressive collection at Milan Design Week, which explored a new side of the interior design world: lamps.

The brand commissioned 24 different artists to design the lights for the presentation, including designers like Anne Low, Kazunori Hamana and Alvaro Barrington. The collection ranged from minimalist, bright walnut boxes to hanging models in leather and paper.

Light is the central medium of all the works on display and its properties were adopted and manipulated by each of the 24 commissioned artists, guided by their own individual practice, explains a press release.

Gucci pays homage to design icons

At Gucci's flagship store on Via Monte Napoleone, creative director Sabato De Sarno decided to honor five icons of Italian design with a special exhibition for Milan Design Week, titled Gucci Design Ancora.

Michela Pelizzari, co-founder of creative agency P:S (which co-curated the project), said: “Through Design Ancora, Gucci isn't just celebrating old icons, it's creating new ones. . The aura that emanates from the brand highlights five pieces by Italian masters, perfect from a design point of view but less known to the general public.

The common thread connecting all these redesigns was the color: Rosso Ancora. De Sarno had all the pieces made in this shade to mark Gucci's next chapter as a brand, which added a rich and cohesive element to the entire exhibition.

Alaa wants to open the dialogue

Alaïa photography

Courtesy of Alaïa

At Maison Alaa, creative director Pieter Mulier presents a new series of cultural projects, which he calls Dialogues.

I always wanted Alaa to be more than just clothes, says Mulier. And that's how Azzedine looked at Alaa. He was such a visionary that from the start, he imagined Alaa in its entirety. Like a space where fashion opens up to art and beauty. And this vision remains today. Because I believe that fashion only has meaning if it fits into its time. With the world.

Dialogue 1 took place at Crazy Horse Paris, a cabaret where Azzedine Alaa created stage costumes for dancers in the late 70s. On the stage of the room, Sam Rock photographed eleven dancers wearing a rainbow sky of the iconic Alaa dress with matching Dachshund bags to complete the look. With this photographic project, Mulier wanted to celebrate the fusion of fashion and dance, in this space that has significance for the history of the brand.

JW Anderson finds meaning in materials

As part of a new collection called DAYS, JW Anderson has used his eponymous label to explore how we give meaning to materials. Through this presentation, Anderson aimed to thematize the work of art and study, exploring what it means when we learn from those who made art before us.

For the exhibition, Anderson collaborated with artist Patrick Carroll, who specializes in stretched textiles and uses yarn recovered from stores that liquidate the industry's leftovers. Carroll's works were framed and hung throughout the space, with words like shame, defeat and minimalism displayed, inviting viewers to dig into their feelings and process what brings art to life.

Louis Vuitton transforms a townhouse

a room with a sofa and a table with objects on it

Brad Dickson

In a 7-story townhouse near Park Avenue, the Louis Vuitton team transformed the space into an immersive craft experience, where visitors can book a private appointment and celebrate the company's most extraordinary offerings. brand.

Until May 5, the exhibition, entitled Crafting Dreams, explores the best of the brand and constitutes the largest demonstration of know-how ever presented by Louis Vuitton in New York.

Everything from trunks to fine jewelry to watches will be on display, and visitors will also have the opportunity to create custom pieces with on-site artisans. During this time, guests will also be treated to the debuts of several new pieces, including the Millionaires Speedy 40 from men's creative director Pharrell Williams.

Portrait of Joel Calfee

Joel is the editorial and social media assistant for, where he covers all things celebrity news. When he steps away from the keyboard, you can probably find him singing out of tune at concerts, rummaging through thrift stores for loud wardrobe items, or browsing bookstores for the next big thing gay romance novel.




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