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What to know about symptoms and risks

What to know about symptoms and risks


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Louis Gossett Jr., posing here against a black background, died on March 29 from COPD.  (Photo by Barry Brecheisen/Getty Images)Louis Gossett Jr., posing here against a black background, died on March 29 from COPD.  (Photo by Barry Brecheisen/Getty Images)

Louis Gossett Jr. died March 29 of COPD. (Photo by Barry Brecheisen/Getty Images)

Louis Gossett Jr.'s cause of death was found to be chronic inflammatory lung disease, according to newly released documents.

A death certificate obtained by USA today confirmed Wednesday that the 87-year-old actor died in March after a years-long battle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It also showed that heart failure and atrial fibrillation contributed to the “An Officer and a Gentleman” star's death.

The Emmy Award-winning actor, who was the first black man to win a supporting actor Oscar, died March 29 in Santa Monica, California, according to the Associated Press.

“No matter the awards, no matter the glitz and glamour, the Rolls-Royces and the big houses of Malibu. It's about the humanity of the people he represented,” said the actor's first cousin of “Roots,” Neal L. Gossett, told the outlet.

But what exactly is this disease that Hollywood legend died from, and is it something you should be concerned about when it comes to your own health? Read on to learn more about COPD.

COPD is a progressive lung disease this causes swelling and blockage of the airways. This is an umbrella term used to describe various lung conditions, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema, according to COPD Canada.

In chronic bronchitis, the airways in your lungs become inflamed and narrowed. This means you'll end up developing more mucus, leading to a persistent cough and difficulty breathing.

For enphysema, the disease develops over time and involves the gradual destruction of tiny air sacs in your lungs called alveoli. The damage eventually causes these air sacs to rupture, reducing the surface area for oxygen to flow into the bloodstream.

COPD infographic comparing emphysema and bronchitis.  (Photo via Getty Images)COPD infographic comparing emphysema and bronchitis.  (Photo via Getty Images)

COPD manifests itself in two forms: emphysema and bronchitis. (Photo via Getty Images)

THE most common symptoms of COPD are difficulty breathing, chronic cough (sometimes accompanied by mucus) and feeling tired, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The Canadian Lung Association added a person with COPD may also have some of the following symptoms:

These symptoms can get worse quickly and may be called flares. “These usually last a few days and often require additional medications,” the WHO said.

COPD develops over time, often due to a combination of risk factors, According to the WHO. These may include:

  • Smoking or being exposed to second-hand smoke

  • Exposure to dust, fumes or chemicals in the workplace

  • Indoor air pollution, from sources such as burning fuel for heating or coal for cooking

  • Asthma in children

  • Early life events, including poor growth in utero, prematurity, or frequent respiratory infections

  • A rare genetic disorder called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

A man sits outside and holds a thin menthol cigarette between his fingers while smoking.  Close-up with focus on the cigarette.  (Photo via Getty Images)A man sits outside and holds a thin menthol cigarette between his fingers while smoking.  Close-up with focus on the cigarette.  (Photo via Getty Images)

Smoking is the leading cause of COPD in many developed countries. (Photo via Getty Images)

The Canadian Lung Association has indicated that adults over the age of 40 who smoke or have previously smoked may be at risk for COPD.

“It is important to talk to a healthcare professional if you are at risk for COPD, even if you have no or only mild symptoms,” the organization said. “COPD is a progressive disease, meaning it gets worse over time.”

COPD is seriously underdiagnosed, according to the health charity. Indeed, people living with the disease may have no symptoms or associate their symptoms with factors such as age, a common respiratory infection or “smoker's cough.” Additionally, some people who have stopped smoking may believe that they can no longer develop COPD.

Historically, COPD was associated with older men who had a history of smoking. Although the number of men and women who die from COPD each year in Canada is approximately equal, recent research has indicated that COPD is likely underdiagnosed in women. The Canadian Lung Association shared that women may also experience more severe symptoms and the disease appears earlier.

Finally, over the past two decades, there have been an increasing number of hospitalizations for COPD both for women aged 40 to 64 and for those over 65. Added to this is a reduction in the number of hospitalizations among men.

In Canada, one in four people will be diagnosed with COPD. There is more than two million Canadians affected by the disease, and another million are probably living with this disease without knowing it. COPD is also the second leading cause of hospitalization in Canada, behind childbirth.

Globally, the WHO reported that COPD is the third leading cause of death, causing more than three million deaths in 2019 alone. That year, there were over 212 million prevalent COPD cases reported global.

There is no cure for COPD. However, there are ways to improve the disease and possibly slow its progression. Since the majority of COPD cases are linked to cigarette smoking, it is best to never smoke or quit smoking now.

Additionally, you should talk to your supervisor about protection if you work in a professional environment exposed to chemical vapors, dust, or anything else that could increase your risk of COPD.

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