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Mission Impossible 8 Adds Starting Actor Tramell Tillman

Mission Impossible 8 Adds Starting Actor Tramell Tillman


Tramell Tillman – the actor who broke out in the popular Apple series Breakup – landed a role in the eighth Impossible mission movie.

Tillman will join other franchise newcomers like Katy O'Brian, Nick Offerman and Hannah Waddingham, as well as Assignment vets that include Henry Czerny, Hayley Atwell, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Pom Klementieff and Vanessa Kirby. Plot details (including which character Tillman will play) are being kept under wraps.

Star Tom Cruise is producing the film Paramount and Skydance with director Christopher McQuarrie. David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Don Granger and Chris Brock are executive producers.

In Dead Reckoning, part onethe last Assignment theatrically released film, Cruise returned as IMF agent Ethan Hunt, a role he originated in the 1996 film based on the popular television series, and he reprized films that collectively grossed over several billion at the worldwide box office. The seventh film saw the return of IMF Director Eugene Kittridge, played by Czerny, now Director of the CIA. “For a series that is now in its third decade – and which will continue next summer with Dead Reckoning, part twoImpossible mission has remained remarkably consistent,” we read The Hollywood Reporter review of this film.

Mission: Impossible 8 (more titled Dead Reckoning, part two) is dated May 23, 2025.

Tillman was nominated for SAG and Spirit Awards for his role in Breakup, where he starred alongside Adam Scott, Patricia Arquette and John Turturro; he will return for the second season of the series. His other on-screen credits include series Diet Country, Godfather of HarlemAnd Hunters. He is repped by Principal Entertainment and Jackoway Austen.




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