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West Hollywood Poetry Team Wins Poetry Slam Trophy

West Hollywood Poetry Team Wins Poetry Slam Trophy


West Hollywood PoetryThe team took home the winning trophy after competing in the Chill List Poetry Slam Invitational in Modesto, California on Saturday, April 20. Among a competitive field, West Hollywood poets emerged triumphant, taking first prize in a dynamic display of original verse.

The event, renowned for highlighting the country's leading slam poetry collectives, saw teams compete for a $2,000 prize through a series of group and solo performances. Five judges from the audience awarded points to the teams based on the strength of their poems and the quality of their performance. West Hollywood won with a cumulative score of 113.4, beating our competing teams from Oakland (111.4), Salt Lake City (110.1) and Visalia (108.7).

The West Hollywood team brought brilliance to the Chill List stage,” said Chill List founder and host Sam Pierstorff. “Our Modesto audience loved his range from the humorous to the deeply emotional, intellectual and inspiring.

The genesis of the West Hollywood Slam Team dates back to July 2023, initiated by former West Hollywood Poet Laureate Brian Sonia-Wallace and poet/coach Nate Lovell, the architects behind The Mic @ Mickys WeHo. Comprised of the two founders and five notable Mickys poets, including Meliza Missy Fuego Baales, Dan Pastiche Queen Lovato, Tee Gardiner and Raul Herrera, the team embodies the dynamic spirit of their region.

According to team member Pastiche Queen, the collective reflects the essence of West Hollywood, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. “The team functions as a microcosm of West Hollywood itself; no one will take care of us the way we take care of ourselves.

Seasoned slam veteran and team member Missy Fuego noted the historical significance of their ensemble. “The West Hollywood team is not only WeHo’s first slam team, it’s the first fully queer/non-binary/unlabeled slam team in North America,” they said. “For years, slam has generally been dominated by heterosexual and cis narratives, with one or two members representing the LGBTQ community. The West Hollywood Slam Team proudly presents itself as the first overall team to prioritize LGBTQ issues and culture and regularly focus on sexual orientation and gender.

The West Hollywood Slam Team is currently creating a demonstration show with rotating guest poets and is available for Pride show bookings




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