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The daily targum


Kevin Chamberlin grew up with an affinity for musicals, watching classics like “Oliver” and “The Wizard of Oz” on television, but he had never taken the stage himself. After moving from Baltimore to Utah and then to Florida, before the age of nine, he decided to pursue acting in his new home, Moorestown, as an opportunity to explore his passion and make himself new friends.

He didn't know it at the time, but the decision would spark a long acting career, consisting of four remarkable years at Rutgers, several Tony Award-nominated performances and the role of his life, Bertram Winkle.

In an interview with The Daily Targum, Chamberlin offered a behind-the-scenes look at his time in New Brunswick, as well as his experiences in the entertainment industry.

Chamberlin would make his debut as Huckleberry Finn in his local parks and recreation department's production of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” The constant musicals and support from the Moorestown community would help him grow as a performer.

“It was a great town to grow up in because they had a really thriving arts program,” he said. “By the time I graduated high school, I had about 20 shows under my belt and I really knew I wanted to be an actor.”

Chamberlin's dream of acting led him to Rutgers, where he would study at the acting conservatory at the Mason Gross School of the Arts. Although the relatively cheap tuition played a major role in his decision, it was linked to his aspirations to become a serious comedian.

The school's impressive theater program, led by one of New York's best theater teachers at the time, William “Bill” Esper, would help him achieve this.

Mason Gross did not produce many musicals while in school, so Chamberlin and some of his peers made full use of the Cabaret Theater, located on the Douglass campus. His efforts would inspire some main stage productions during Chamberlin's senior year. The school would present “High Button Shoes,” a musical set in New Brunswick.

As for his time at Mason Gross, Chamberlin says, “It was invaluable. I wouldn't appreciate art the way I do. If I hadn't gone to Rutgers, it would have been a lot harder.”

After graduation, he was chosen to be part of the resident company at the McCarter Theater in Princeton. There, he participated in the production of “Smoke on the Mountain,” which would eventually transfer off-Broadway, helping Chamberlin find a commercial agent and secure steady employment.

Chamberlin had been in the industry for years when “Dirty Blonde” premiered on Broadway and launched her professional career. The play, written by Claudia Shear and directed by James Lapine, helped him earn his first Tony nomination.

“It was a very beautiful process,” he said. “It transferred to Broadway a few months after the off-Broadway run. And we all got Tony nominations. It was a crazy year.”

Chamberlin would go on to originate the role of Horton the Elephant in the infamous musical “Seussical.” Although the series was a financial failure, it was a cult hit, helping to cement Chamberlin as one of Broadway's emerging talents and nabbing him another Tony nomination. .

But arguably his biggest role would come in 2011, when he landed the role of the Ross family butler, Bertram, on the Disney Channel sitcom “Jessie.”

Although the show went off the air almost 10 years ago, Bertram has only grown in popularity since the show's conclusion, thanks to a mix of memes and merchandise.

While some actors would feel conflicted about one of their characters being treated as an internet joke, Chamberlin is thrilled.

“I don't know why the kids latched onto Bertram, maybe it's because he was the only adult in the show, but the strange fanaticism that happened was really moving,” he said. -he declares.

A moment that helped him realize the impact of this character occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. With nothing to do, he used the TikTok platform as a creative outlet. Fans quickly latched onto his account now has more than 10 million followers.

Despite this resurgence in popularity, a popular hoax began to circulate that he died of a heart attack.

To Chamberlin's surprise, the reactions to this comment were overwhelmingly loving.

“It was an outpouring of emotion and grief. I was like, 'What?' It was like attending your own funeral,” he said. “And then what happens during COVID? When you kind of feel your mortality? It changed me. I was like, 'OK. I left my mark.'”

In addition to his contributions to the world of traditional entertainment, he has continued to explore creation in new ways.

Using his aforementioned TikTok account, he starred in the crowdsourced COVID hit, “Ratatouille the Musical.” Additionally, Chamberlin won a Helen Hayes Award in 2023 for her performance in “Guys and Dolls” at the Kennedy Center, her first-ever award.

Although Chamberlin's career has touched the lives of many people, it has not always been smooth sailing. To Rutgers students in the same position he once held, he gave one crucial piece of advice: Do your research.

“Knowledge is power. Don't be a stupid actor, don't be a stupid plumber. Don't be anything stupid,” he said.

His career is far from over, but Chamberlin has already etched his performances into the hearts and minds of millions. Through his combination of theater, television and film, Chamberlin has lived his career on his own terms, beginning on the banks of the Raritan.




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