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Kevin Spacey Documentary Premieres Monday: Everything We Know


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A documentary featuring new interviews surrounding allegations of sexual harassment and abuse against Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey will premiere in the UK over two nights Monday and Tuesday, days after its subject called the production ” desperate attempt at a hearing and vowed he would respond to the allegations on X, formerly known as Twitter, this weekend.


Channel 4, a public broadcasting network in Britain, will broadcast Spacey Unmasked in England early next week and promises it will investigate Spacey's conduct, how it affected others and why they have only decided to speak out now. Spacey has always denied the allegations of sexual misconduct made against him.

The documentary will premiere less than a year after Spacey was acquitted in a British court case that accused him of sexual assault. He was also found not responsible in a separate assault and battery case in New York in 2022 and in a sexual assault case brought against him. from Nantucket was abandoned in 2019.

The documentary features new interviews with 10 people, none of whom were connected to the U.K. trial and nine of whom will speak about their experiences with Spacey for the first time. Variety reportedincluding alleged incidents on the set of Spacey's hit Netflix show, House of Cards.

Spacey anticipated the release of the series on Thursday and posted on saying he “would not stand idly by and allow himself to be attacked by a dying channel's one-sided documentary about me in its desperate bid for ratings.”

The actor attack Channel 4, for failing to provide him with sufficient detail about the allegations or give him a “fair opportunity” to defend himself, said the channel had given him seven days to “respond to allegations made against me dating back 48 years “.

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Crucial quote

Every time I have had time and a proper forum to defend myself, the allegations have failed and I have been exonerated, the actor tweeted Thursday. “See you this weekend to see my response on

To monitor

“Spacey Unmasked” was picked up by Max, HBO's streaming service, for viewing in the United States after its premiere on Channel 4. No premiere date has been announced.

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Key context

In 2017, “Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp made the first allegations against the actor, claiming that Spacey, then 26, made sexual advances toward him in 1986, when he was 14. Spacey responded to the accusation by saying he did not remember the alleged incident, but apologizing for “what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.” In the same statement, Spacey announced for the first time that he was gay. In the following weeks, Spacey had his Emmy Awards revoked and Netflix severed ties with the actor. Shortly afterward, a former Boston-area news anchor accused Spacey of groping his 18-year-old son in a Nantucket bar, a filmmaker accused Spacey of groping him and at least 20 men accused him of sexual misconduct at the Old Vic, a London theater where Spacey served as artistic director from 2004 to 2015. Spacey was sued in civil court by a masseuse who claimed she sexually assaulted him and accused him of assault. indecent exposure in the Nantucket incident, a charge that was later dropped. Rapp sued Spacey for $40 million, but a jury found that Spacey did not sexually abuse him. Spacey's lawyers argued that Rapp made up the story out of jealousy for Spacey's success in the entertainment industry and pointed out inconsistencies in the details of Rapp's story. The jury composed of 11 people on Spacey's side after less than 90 minutes of deliberation. Spacey was also exonerated in a lawsuit filed in the United Kingdom by four men who portrayed him as a vile sexual predator. In the London case, Spacey argued that the evidence against him was weak and that all sex, if it occurred, was consensual. He said he used to be a “big flirt” with a promiscuous past, but had never assaulted anyone and accused the complainants of looking for money.

Chief Spokesperson

Spacey was the subject of critical of the LGBTQ community for using his statement denying sexual assault allegations to come out as gay. Prominent members of the community accused his statement of feed the feelings which link pedophilia to homosexuality. Civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson said at the time Spacey threw “the entire LGBT community under a bus and called it solidarity in an attempt to paper over his personal failings.” Actress Wanda Sykes tweeted to the actor: “You have no choice but to hide under the rainbow! Hit stones! and Billie Eichner saidKevin Spacey just invented something that's never existed before: a bad time to go out.

Further reading

VarietyNew Kevin Spacey doc reveals actor allegedly groped 'House of Cards' cast member on set, made 'aggressive sexual move' on classmate and moreBuzzFeed NewsActor Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey made a sexual advance on me when I was 14VoiceHow Kevin Spacey's coming out fuels a dangerous myth about gays and pedophiliaForbesKevin Spacey found not guilty of sexual assault in UK trialForbesKevin Spacey found not responsible in sexual assault lawsuit filed by accuser Anthony Rapp




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