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Vivek Agnihotri praises Pakistani doctor who criticized Bhansali's Heeramandi: Bollywood tends to romanticize courtesans | Web series

Vivek Agnihotri praises Pakistani doctor who criticized Bhansali's Heeramandi: Bollywood tends to romanticize courtesans |  Web series


Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri has praised a Pakistani doctor who criticized Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar. Speaking to X (formerly Twitter), Vivek said Bollywood has a “tendency to romanticize courtesans and brothels”. It also calls into question the freedom of creativity. (Also read | Heeramandi: Internet users point out these historical inaccuracies in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's series)

Vivek Agnihotri spoke about Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Heeramandi.
Vivek Agnihotri spoke about Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Heeramandi.

Vivek praises Constitution critic

Sharing Hamd Nawaz's tweets, Vivek wrote, “A brilliant review by @_SophieSchol. Haven't seen the show, but have visited Heeramandi in Lahore many times. Bollywood has this tendency to romanticize courtesans and brothels. This is a sad comment because brothels have never been places of opulence, glamor or beauty. They are monuments of human injustice, pain and suffering. don't know this should watch Shyam Benegals Mandi.

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Vivek questions freedom of creativity

“Also, a question we must ask ourselves: does creativity give us the freedom to glorify human suffering? Is it acceptable to make a film where life in the slums is portrayed as a life of abundance ?Is it okay to depict slum dwellers wearing clothes as if they are attending an Ambani wedding? Please discuss this?

Internet reacts to Vivek's tweet

Reacting to the post, one person said: “Anything extreme becomes unpleasant. It is incapable of finding a balance between creative freedom and reality.” “Bollywood doesn't just have a habit. They are obsessed with the romance of brothels, courtesans, etc., especially some of the later films. But I think that's a problem of SLB, his films thrive on showing the 'opulence. Umrao Jaan, Bazaar were more balanced,' read a tweet.

“I saw some fast-forward passages, hoping to see some redemptive passages from a brilliant filmmaker, beyond the huge sets, grandiose photography and music, but I found nothing. The mass transformation of tawaifs into patriotic revolutionaries bordered on the comical,” one person tweeted.

What a Pakistani doctor said about Heeramandi

Recently, Hamd had shared a series of tweets talking about the inaccuracies she encountered after watching Heeramandi. One of his tweets read: “I just watched Heeramandi. I found everything except heermandi. I mean, either you don't set your story in 1940s Lahore, or if you do, you don't. “Don't place it in the landscape of Agras, the Urdu of Delhi, the Lakhnavi dresses and the 1840s.” My not-so-sorry Lahori vibe can’t really let go.

She also wrote: “To begin with, where exactly is it located? Lake Como? The Amalfi Coast? The most obvious landmark still visible from every building in the present-day remains of Heera Mandi is the foreboding skyline and minarets of the Shahi Qilla Grand Mosque. call it Lahore, show it in Lahore.

Hamd also spoke about the representation of social and financial strata, language, songs and outfits featured in the web series.

About statuses

Heeramandi marked the OTT debut of Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Through the stories of courtesans and their patrons, the series delves deep into the cultural reality of Heeramandi. It stars Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Sheikh, Sharmin Segal, Taha Shah Badussha, Shekhar Suman and Adhyayan Suman. Heeramandi was released on May 1 on Netflix India.




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