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World Laughter Day 2024: World Laughter Day 2024: date, origin, importance, quotes and Bollywood comedies not to be missed

World Laughter Day 2024: World Laughter Day 2024: date, origin, importance, quotes and Bollywood comedies not to be missed


World Laughter Day celebrates the power of laughter, which brings immense joy and rejuvenates our lives. It is a vibrant testament to the enduring importance of humor in our daily lives and activities. Observed annually on the first Sunday in May, the day highlights the enormous benefits and value of laughter, reminding people to relax, connect and engage in activities that spark laughter, often including group laughter sessions. The main message is to unite the world with shared laughter to make it a better place for all.

Date and history of World Laughter Day

Since its inception in 1998, World Laughter Day has been celebrated on the first Sunday of May, thanks to the visionary efforts of Dr. Madan Kataria. Dr. Kataria, a family physician in India, was inspired by the facial feedback hypothesis, which suggests that facial expressions can influence emotions. This inspiration led him to create the Laughter Yoga movement, a global phenomenon dedicated to spreading joy and well-being.
World Laughter Day embodies the universal quest for world peace, striving to cultivate global unity and friendship through the simple act of laughter. Traditionally marked by gatherings in public spaces dedicated solely to laughter, this annual celebration has grown exponentially alongside the expanding Laughter Yoga movement. With thriving laughter clubs in over 115 countries, World Laughter Day has become a widely adopted event, spreading happiness and camaraderie around the world.

The importance of World Laughter Day

Celebrated annually on the first Sunday in May, World Laughter Day has profound significance as a global celebration dedicated to championing laughter as a catalyst for joy, healing and solidarity. It is a poignant reminder of the transformative power of laughter for individual well-being and collective harmony. Laughter transcends cultural, linguistic and religious barriers, fostering connection and uplifting the spirit universally. Additionally, it highlights the therapeutic potential of laughter, from reducing stress to boosting immune function and maintaining a positive attitude. By encouraging global participation, the day invites individuals to come together, share laughter and spread positivity, contributing to a happier and healthier world.

World Laughter Day Quotes

A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin.

If you don't want to be laughed at, be the first to laugh at yourself. Benjamin Franklin.

There is nothing in the world more irresistibly contagious than laughter and good humor. Charles Dickens.

I like people who make me laugh. Honestly, I think it's the thing I love the most, laughing. He cures a multitude of ailments. It's probably the most important thing in a person. Audrey Hepburn.

The human race has only one truly effective weapon: laughter. Mark Twain.

Here are 15 must-see Bollywood comedy films:

1.Andaz Apna Apna (1994)
2. The End (2007)
2. Héra Phéri (2000)
3. Chupke Chupke (1975)

4. Golmaal: Unlimited Pleasure (2006)

5. 3 Idiots (2009)

6. Munna Bhai MBBS (2003)

7. Hera Phéri (1976)

8. Come on (2007)

9. Honggama (2003)

10. Gauze 420 (1997)

11. Bheja Fry (2007)

12. Dulhe Raja (1998)

13. Mr. & Mrs. Khiladi (1997)

14. Bhool Bhulaiyaa (2007)

15. Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (2004)




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