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Patrick Mahomes gets his first disappointment with Marquise “Hollywood” Brown against Kyrie Irving

Patrick Mahomes gets his first disappointment with Marquise “Hollywood” Brown against Kyrie Irving


Patrick Mahomes seeks to stimulate the Kansas City Chiefs on a sensational third straight Super Bowl in 2024 and he has the wide receiver he desperately needs Marquise Hollywood Brownbut if one thing is already clear, they disagree on the NBA because they are fighting for Kyrie Irving.

It came after Hollywood Brownwho signed Arizona CardinalsI headed over to watch the Los Angeles Clippers take on the Dallas Mavericks in the first round of the NBA playoffs Luka DoncicThe team eliminated the Californians with a 114-101 victory, with Kyrie Irving Featured.

Kyrie Irving's uncontrollable buzzer made Luka Doncic think he was dreaming

“Watching Kyrie close,” Hollywood Brown posted on, formerly Twitter. “He really hoops like me fr [GOAT emoji]”.

This is a reference to Christian McCaffrey's Madden 24 Invitational, when Irving embarrassed him Clippers' Russell Westbrook before ensuring he could deliver the speech during Game 6 at the American Airlines Center in Texas.

But Mahomes was impressed as he quoted the message tweeted on Elon Muskwith a GIF showing the pure disappointment at the position of its latest wide receiver, who will join Travis Kelce and Rashee Rice in Missouri.

Brown then decided to calm the waters by responding, “Chillllllll,” with laughing emojis in what was a light-hearted exchange between the two football players, and nothing serious to come.

Irving's clutch play

When the Nonconformists inflicting a big loss on a rival is generally the Slovenian Doncic who receives the praise and proves to be the decisive decision maker and while he was at his usual level, it was one of his colleagues who stole the show.

Doncicof course, scored 28 points, 13 assists and seven rebounds, which shows how good the performance of Irving actually was. The 32-year-old 2011 first overall pick racked up an astonishing 30 points, six rebounds and four assists in 42 minutes as he progressed to the next phase of the NBA playoffs.

There they will face the leaders of the Western Conference, the Oklahoma City Thunderwith the first match starting on May 8 at 9:30 p.m. ET or 6:30 p.m. PT.




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