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From Hollywood to Bollywood: How Audrey Hepburn revolutionized women's fashion

From Hollywood to Bollywood: How Audrey Hepburn revolutionized women's fashion


“Very alert, very intelligent, very talented, very ambitious.” That's director William Wyler's verdict after watching a 1951 screen test for Roman Holiday directed by a young chorus girl named Audrey Hepburn. We celebrate the timeless elegance and enduring legacy of the one and only Audrey Hepburn as she graces the world with her presence, even beyond the realms of time. Born on May 4, 1929, Audrey Hepburn continues to captivate hearts with her grace, sophistication and indomitable spirit.

For decades, Hepburn has been adored for her beauty and graceful style. With her short hair and thick eyebrows, she single-handedly changed the appearance of Hollywood's leading ladies. In the era of Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn stood her ground, ushering in a new era of femininity and changing the way movie audiences perceived women. Not just in Hollywood, she shaped the Bollywood heroines of that era. Childish and romantic, yet daring, the actresses' film appearances and roles changed. Audrey revolutionized fashion and style for actresses from both worlds.

The early 1950s in America were synonymous with leisure, drive-thru restaurants, and post-war wealth. This saw the rise of modern jazz, television and societal conformity. By the end of World War II, characters in the world of cinema were generally conventional depictions of ordinary men and women.

Cinema audiences sought out these images because they felt something was missing. After the war, people wanted to return to a sense of normalcy.

When Roman Holiday was released in 1953, it was met with critical and financial success. She played the role of Princess Ann in Roman Holiday. At just 24 years old, Hepburn represented a refreshing change from the glamorous movie stars of that era. Her character in Roman Holiday epitomized elegance with her simple yet sophisticated style, fitted silhouettes, boat neck tops, and iconic pixie haircut. She won an Oscar in her film debut and radically changed the way women dressed.

After the success of “Roman Holiday,” Hepburn cemented her status as a style icon with her role as Holly Golightly in “Breakfast at Tiffany's” (1961).

Audrey Hepburn is considered one of the first A-list actresses to use a cigarette holder as a fashion accessory in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany's.” The image of Hepburn in a black Givenchy dress, accessorized with pearls and oversized sunglasses, remains one of the most iconic moments in cinematic fashion.

Whether she was wearing a little black dress or an elegant evening gown, Hepburn always made people look at her with breathtaking interest. She was often photographed wearing fitted pants, ballet flats and oversized sunglasses, creating a signature look that embodied timeless elegance.

Audrey captivated Hollywood and inspired Bollywood. Her iconic elegance, timeless charm and natural grace have left their mark on Indian cinema and its actors.

Saira Banu, one of the best actresses in Bollywood, was called Indian Audrey Hepburn. Saira's pixie cut and sleek updo remind everyone of Hepburn in her iconic film Roman Holiday. Remember Mumtaz, who was in Sone Ki Chidiya (1958), Stree (1961) and Sehra (1963)? She had a remarkable resemblance to Audrey. The way they applied eyeliner was quite similar.

Saira Banu

As mentioned earlier, Audrey epitomized classic elegance with her simple yet sophisticated style. Actresses like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Deepika Padukone are known for their graceful and refined fashion sense, reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn's iconic style.

Audrey Hepburn effortlessly combined casual pieces with a touch of sophistication, creating a chic, casual style. This influence is visible in Bollywood films, where actresses portray characters in casual yet stylish outfits, often including cropped pants, fitted sweaters, and ballet flats.

Actresses like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt and Aditi Rao Hydari is known for her elegant casual looks, drawing inspiration from Hepburn's iconic casual chic style.

Actress Aditi Rao Hydari in Audrey Hepburn's look

Audrey Hepburn's hairstyles, especially her iconic pixie cut and sleek updos, have been replicated by Bollywood actresses on numerous occasions. Bollywood actresses like Priyanka Chopra and Sonam Kapoor have sported Hepburn-inspired hairstyles at various events and red carpet appearances.

Her depictions of strong, independent, and sophisticated women have influenced characterizations in Bollywood films. His memorable roles in films like “Breakfast at Tiffany's” and “Roman Holiday” have inspired Bollywood filmmakers to create similar characters who exude confidence, charm and elegance.

Actresses like Madhuri Dixit and Vidya Balan have played characters with shades of Audrey Hepburn's iconic roles, presenting a blend of poise, grace and strength on the big screen.

As Audrey said, “I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls.” So, however, if you dress up after taking inspiration from Hollywood or Bollywood, always be happy. As we honor Audrey Hepburn today on her birthday, we celebrate the icon herself and the lasting impact she continues to have on art, culture, and humanity. Happy birthday to the eternally enchanting Audrey Hepburn.

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