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Universal Studios' Hollywood Drift roller coaster to debut in 2026

Universal Studios' Hollywood Drift roller coaster to debut in 2026


Universal Studios Hollywood has decades of history as a working movie studio and is home to more than a dozen rides and attractions that make You the star of your favorite film franchises. But there's one thing it doesn't have a high-speed outdoor roller coaster yet.

But that won't be the case for long.

On May 3, Universal Studios Hollywood announced that its first-ever high-speed outdoor roller coaster, Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift, would open in 2026.


As you might have guessed, the new Universal Studios Hollywood facility is inspired by the hit series “Fast & Furious.” There are currently 10 episodes in the “Fast & Furious” saga, with an action-packed 11th film in the works. The original film, released in 2001, pulled back the curtain on the world of illegal street racing, but has since evolved to include high-stakes heists, undercover spy operations and, of course, family.

When Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift opens in 2026, you'll be part of this super-fast family as you race through and around the park on a winding aerial track. The roller coaster will use a state-of-the-art ride system with 360-degree rotating vehicles that recreate the feeling of “drifting.” Universal has yet to announce a maximum speed for the roller coaster, but we can only assume it will be both fast and furious.

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Universal Studios Hollywood's small size probably explains why the park waited until now to add an outdoor roller coaster. Although the destination is now both a movie studio and theme park, the space was founded in 1915 solely to create films. A roller coaster of this scale was not planned at the time. Additionally, the property sits on a relatively small plot of land and is subject to local noise regulations. (Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift will use sound reduction technology.)


“As a leading entertainment theme park destination with a rich history of immersing guests in incredible rides based on today's most inspiring film, television and gaming properties, we are “excited to introduce our first-ever high-speed outdoor roller coaster,” Scott Strobl, executive vice president and general manager of Universal Studios Hollywood, said in a press release. “As Universal Studios Hollywood continues to evolve, the arrival of “Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift” will be a game-changer and bring a new level of thrills to our already dynamic theme park, and we look forward to welcome guests when it races on stage in 2026.”

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This won't be the park's first roller coaster. That honor goes to Revenge of the Mummy The Ride, although this ride's top speed of 45 mph doesn't have the same thrill factor that this upcoming attraction would have. The “Fast & Furious” franchise is already represented at Universal Studios Hollywood as part of the “Fast & Furious Supercharged” Studio Tour experience. It is not yet known whether “Supercharged” will be replaced or will remain as it is today.

Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift is one of several projects currently underway for Universal Destinations & Experiences. Other projects include the upcoming Universal Kids Resort in Frisco, Texas, the opening of DreamWorks Land this summer at Universal Orlando and the Epic Universe theme park coming to Universal Orlando next year.

Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift will be located in the park's Upper Lot, with attractions including the Studio Tour, The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash and Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Stay tuned to TPG for more details on this ride as the opening date approaches.

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