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This Bollywood Actress Was Raised As A Sikh But Converted To Islam For Love Marriage

This Bollywood Actress Was Raised As A Sikh But Converted To Islam For Love Marriage


Amrita Singh made her debut with the film Betaab.

Amrita Singh made her debut with the film Betaab.

Amrita Singh is the great-granddaughter of Sobha Singh on her paternal side and is also the great-niece of the famous and late novelist Khushwant Singh.

It has been proven time and time again that love has no boundaries and couples go the extra mile to prove it. Many celebrities have adopted their partner's religious beliefs or converted to marry their beloved spouse. One such actress is the powerhouse of talent, Amrita Singh. Born to a Muslim mother and a Sikh father and raised as a Sikh, she later converted to Islam and even had an Islamic marriage to Saif Ali Khan.

Amrita Singh, known for films like Betaab, Aaina, Mard, Chameli Ki Shaadi and Khudgarz, was born to Rukhsana Sultana and army officer Shivinder Singh Virk. His mother was known to be a political associate of Sanjay Gandhi during the Indian crisis of the 1970s.

She is the great-granddaughter of Sobha Singh on her paternal side and is also the great-niece of the famous and late novelist Khushwant Singh.

She dominated the big screen in the 80s and 90s with her overflowing beauty and charm. Reportedly, the actress was dating former Indian national cricket team head coach and cricket commentator Ravi Shastri and was engaged to him. After the couple separated, she fell in love with Vinod Khanna with whom she was about to get married. However, her mother intervened and did not approve of her marriage to a Hindu, as she was looking for a Muslim suitor for her daughter.

Later, Amrita Singh, who was already an established and successful star in the industry, fell in love with Nawab of Pataudi, Saif Ali Khan, which was said to be love at first sight for her. The couple had a 12-year age gap but were known to be head over heels in love with each other. Despite these obstacles, the duo was inseparable.

So, Amrita Singh, who was raised as a Sikh, converted to Islam to marry the love of her life, Saif Ali Khan. It was in January 1991 that the duo took their wedding vows. The couple welcomed two children: Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan. However, after 13 years of marriage, the Bollywood hit couple divorced and Saif married Kareena Kapoor.

Amrita Singh was last seen in Heropanti 2.




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