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MaXXXine is all about the shiny parts of Hollywood Vs. The seedy parts of Hollywood in the 1980s Exclusive Image

MaXXXine is all about the shiny parts of Hollywood Vs. The seedy parts of Hollywood in the 1980s Exclusive Image


With XTi West has lovingly recreated the scuzzy spirit of 70s classics like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. With its surprise prequel pearlhe recalled the first elements that changed the game in Technicolor, such as The Wizard of Oz, taking the yellow brick road and painting it blood red. And now for his trilogy-capper MaXXXineit heads to the 1980s by taking future Mia Goth star Maxine and plunging her into the sinister and seductive world of Hollywood.

In addition to taking the public six years after the events of Xin which Goths Maxine was the sole survivor of the Farmers Daughter massacre, the 80s setting of MaXXXine has a major influence on the look and feel of the film. Much of the film's aesthetic lies in the shiny parts of Hollywood. [versus] the seedy neighborhoods of Hollywood, says West Empire in the Deadpool and Wolverine issue. The type of brilliant films that are made, and then the type of sleazy or low budget films that are made. The same way as pearlThe Technicolor-adjacent vibe is part of the aesthetic, it's more influenced by the A- and B-movie aesthetics of the 1980s.

This meant going old school during production. We just did everything the way you always traditionally would,” West promises. There's not a lot of modern trickery, it's mostly the same way you would have done it back then, with the same equipment. The result, according to West, is to aim for something other than the silly '80s aesthetic we often see today. Terminator is as much an 80s film as The breakfast club, he emphasizes. Rather than drawing inspiration from specific films from the 1980s, MaXXXine It's about twisting the threads of West's entire trilogy. It's full of things that reference the trilogy as a whole, to an absurd degree, he says. People will go, That red light is Argento! But it's more, there is no scene in MaXXXine which has no subtext linked to the [trilogy] in its entirety. Get ready for a deadly third act.

Empire Summer 2024 Deadpool & Wolverine Cover

Read Empireis full MaXXXine story speaking to Ti West about the conclusion of his A24 slasher trilogy in the Deadpool and Wolverine issue, on sale Thursday May 9. Order a copy online here. MaXXXine arrives in UK cinemas from July 5.




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