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North West joins the cast of Disney's 'Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl'

North West joins the cast of Disney's 'Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl'


North West is following in the footsteps of her famous parents and continuing to build her career in the spotlight.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's eldest daughter, 10, joined the cast of Disney's The Lion King 30th Anniversary Live-to-Film Concerta two-day live concert organized in the venue of the same name and which will also feature a special set broadcast on Disney+ called The Lion King at the Hollywood Bowlaccording to a press release.

West will be in good company for the live special Lion King show, as franchise originals Billy Eichner, Bradley Gibson, Ernie Sabella, Jason Weaver, Jeremy Irons, Nathan Lane and special guest Jennifer Hudson will all take the stage alongside him.

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Kim Kardashian (left) and North West.


The press release announced that Heather Headley and Lebo M. would also join the cast.

It is not yet known what role West will play in the production. According to the press release, the show “will celebrate 30 years of evolution of The Lion King“, paying homage to everything from the original 1994 animated film to the 1998 Tony Award-winning musical and even the 2019 live-action remake.

Live performances will take place at the Hollywood Bowl on May 24 and 25 with tickets available now. The streaming version of the performance, The Lion King at the Hollywood Bowlwill be released on Disney+ at an unspecified later date.

Kim Kardashian (right) and North West in Los Angeles on May 12, 2023.

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

West's inclusion in the special Lion King casting is his latest creative foray, following his hit song “Talking”, released in collaboration with his father and Ty Dolla $ign for the latter's joint album “Vultures”.

In February, West became one of the youngest artists to chart on the Billboard Hot 100 with this track. Her mother posted a screenshot of X (formerly Twitter) on her Instagram story of the award, writing, “My baby!!!!” alongside current events.

West shared her career aspirations in her first solo cover story for iD's Fall/Winter 2023 issue, revealing that she plans to be: “A basketball player, a rapper, uh… Well, when I was 7 years old, I wanted to be a boxer, but now I don’t want to be a boxer, I’m going to do art on the side.”

She also revealed that one day she hopes to “own Yeezy and SKIMS,” her parents' businesses, “and I want to own a business.”




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