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Stray Kids Remarks by Met Gala Photographers Prove Need for Inclusivity

Stray Kids Remarks by Met Gala Photographers Prove Need for Inclusivity


The 2024 Met Gala should have been a strictly star-studded triumph for Stray Kids, when the current faces of Tommy Hilfiger set a historic first at fashion's biggest night. Yet amidst the glamour, Stray Kids fans – and, maybesome of the members themselves — had an experience marred by the disrespectful treatment of red carpet photographers, highlighting the systemic barriers that non-Western artists still face in Hollywood.

The eight Billboard 200 members attending the Met Gala marked the first time an entire group attended the glitzy gala together. Making their Met Gala debut in custom-made suits alongside Tommy Hilfiger himself, members Bang Chan, Changbin, Lee Know, Hyunjin, Felix, Han, Seungmin and IN collectively arrived at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in jackets navy blue which would soon reveal the custom. 'fits in different shades of the clothing brand's signature red, white and blue underneath.

But just a few meters away, amid the flurry of camera flashes that surrounded all sides of the Gala entrance, disparaging comments from on-site photographers complained of the group's “robot” behavior, annoyed that the revelation took place with their backs to a group of people. photographers, and to think that the group would only understand Korean reveals the thinly veiled prejudices that still plague the industry.

(Note: The video below includes subtitles which may not always match what can be heard.)

As The daily mail noted, some paps said people would be “confused” because the group was taking photos with and without coats — a racist stereotype that people of Asian descent have trouble visually differentiating. A photographer can be heard making his peers laugh after joking that viewers would think “two K-pop groups” were at the 2024 Met Gala. (Based on this reporter's findings over the past 48 hours, no one made this mistake.)

The incident highlighted the unfair challenges international celebrities like Stray Kids face when navigating less familiar territory in search of global success.

Despite instances where SKZ has easily and comfortably adapted to the American media landscape via live interviews like the BUILD series Or Popular television, last year's MTV VMAs or various Fashion Weeks, singers always face barriers and a dismissive attitude towards their presence. This reflects a lack of understanding while also highlighting the need for greater cultural sensitivity and inclusion in entertainment.

Most of children's media experience is with Korean and Japanese events, whose systems and red carpets are structured differently than those in the United States. At a typical K-pop event, press conference, or awards show, there is a platform for artists to pose for photographers who all shoot together during dedicated photo time. Guided by an MC, host, or team leader like Bang Chan, performers almost always coordinate their posing left, center, and right so everyone can get a range of angles and shots. After this dedicated time, the photographers are left to their own devices to get the best photos.

In this context, Stray Kids attempted to show love to all sides of the photographers on the Met Gala carpet by shifting so that four members were further forward towards one side of the cameras, then turning around so that the other four are more forward for the film. second group of photographers. Also worth noting: while photographers knew Stray Kids was a K-pop group, members Bang Chan and Felix grew up in Australia and Seungmin lived for a time in Los Angeles; assuming that an English comment would pass them by (including “What does “right” mean in Korean?”, which elicited laughter from the paps) is incredibly closed-minded.

While it's important to understand that photographers need usable, actionable photos to make a living, the diversity that the Stray Kids bring to an event like the Met Gala should be celebrated rather than marginalized. Perhaps the prospect of touring an eight-member boy band could be a new professional challenge rather than something to bemoan.

Korean artists have been attending the Met Gala for over a decade, with guests like Super Junior's PSY and Siwon over 10 years ago and, most recently, seeing BLACKPINK's Jennie come for her second Met Gala this year. Given fashion's continued and growing affinity for K-pop partnerships, even more K-pop groups are likely to participate in the future.

Whether the comments were heard or not, the Stray Kids moved with grace and confidence on the mat, and their very presence reminds us of the importance of inviting and embracing different cultures, people and perspectives.

Since the reality show that created their group in 2017, Stray Kids have demonstrated an unwavering determination to defy expectations and rise above adversity. Despite the obstacles, the group's primordial talent, humility and tireless spirit to keep moving forward are not only recognized by one of the most prestigious events in the world, but increasingly felt across the various Billboard graphics. As they continue to break boundaries and challenge norms, Stray Kids can show how they will not only make waves in the music industry, but help reshape long-held perceptions and inspire greater change .




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