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Top 10 songs dedicated to mothers in 2024

Top 10 songs dedicated to mothers in 2024


Mother's Day 2024: Top 10 songs dedicated to mothers in 2024 l Bollywood and English hitsMother's Day 2024: Top 10 songs dedicated to mothers in 2024 l Bollywood and English hits

Mothers are the first people a child sees. A child grows in its mother's womb. She feeds her children and does everything for them. Mothers are the center of admiration for many artists. For example, the world-famous artwork Whistler's Mother, a painting created by McNeil Whistler in 1871, is dedicated to his mother. Many storytellers and writers have written books about their mothers to show their admiration, devotion and love.

Like The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother by James McBride, James McBride describes in this book the struggles of his white mother with her 12 children in the 1990s in the United States. This is how many songwriters and singers have composed beautiful songs about their mothers to make them feel special and valued. Many of these songs were a tribute to their mothers. Here is a list of the 10 best mothers' songs for Mother's Day 2024.

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Top 5 Bollywood Songs Dedicated to Mothers:-

1. How good are you?

Talk about mothers and this song won't come to mind, it's not possible. Tu kitni achhi hai,.. tu kitni bholi hai,.. pyari pyari haiO Maa O Maa This song is like it is dissolved in our blood. Everyone imagines their mother when they suddenly listen to this song. This song is taken from the movie Raja Aur Runk. Lata Mangeshkar sang this song with so much beauty and emotion in 1968. From that time till today, the fans of this song have increased. Neha Kakkar also did a remake of this song which was also very popular and beautiful.

2. Maa

Main Kabhi, .. batlata nahin par andhere se darta hun mai Maa tujhe sab hai pata hai na Maa. A beautifully written song by Niren Bhatt and Parth Bharat Thakkar. Shankar Mahadevan sang this song depicting the emotions and desires of a little boy towards his mother in 2017 for the film Taare Zameen Par. This song describes the feelings of a boy forced to live away from his mother in a home. The boy is unable to say anything because of the pressure to do certain things. The relationship between him and his mother is so beautifully presented in this song that one cannot listen to it without tears in their eyes.

3. Believing that we have never seen each other

Majrooh Sultanpuri wrote this song. I'm 100% sure he must be thinking of his mother when writing it. Usko nahin dekha humne kabhi,… Pr uski Jarurat kya hogi?… Ae Maa Teri Surat se Alag Bhagwan ki Surat kya hogi?…. Well described, keeping a mother in place of God. I won't say it's too much. For a child, a mother is everything to him. They do not know anything. She is their teacher and guide. Mahendra Kapoor and Manna Dey have given voice to this beautiful song.

4. Maa Tujhe Salam

Maa tujhe salam is a patriotic song dedicated to Bharat Mata, goddess of our Indian nation. Bharat Mata is an emotion, it is a representation of Indian democracy and its people. Sabse.. pyari.. Teri suarat maa tujhe salam!… Vande Mataram vande mataram is a Sanskrit language which means Heil Mother. This song is composed and sung by the legendary AR Rahaman. When you listen to this song you feel a devotion towards the nation and Bharat Mata.

5. Luka Chuppi

Prasoon Joshi wrote this song for the film Rang de Basanti. Luka Chuppi's song is about a mother who misses her son after he disappears. His son in this movie died protecting other people in a plane crash. Luka chuppi bahut hui.. samne aa jane na Kahan Kahan dhundha tujhe thak gayi hai ab Teri maa The song shows the true emotions of a mother and her pain. Perfectly sung by the legendary Lata Mangeshkar with all the motherly emotions.

Top 5 English songs dedicated to mothers: –

1. Dear Mom

Song by American rapper Tupac, this song is a tribute to his mother. It was released in 1995 in his album Me Against the World. This song entered the Billboard Hot 100 chart in his first top 10. In this song, he talks about his childhood when his family was poor and his mother was addicted to crack cocaine. He says with great emotion that his love and respect for his mother outweighs all the bad memories. When I was young, my mother and I had beef, 17 years old, thrown into the street and a living wife, who could take my mother's place.

2. Rockabye

Rockabye is a beautiful song based on the struggle of single mothers by British electronic band Clean Bandit. Anne Marie sang the song with Jamaican singer and rapper Sean Paul in 2016. The song is about the struggle of a single mother and is linked to lullabies and breastfeeding nursery rhymes. The name of the song also suggests rocking a baby to sleep during their struggles. The song has a very deep meaning. She just wants a life… for her baby all alone, no one will come, she has to save him… (daily struggle)… So rockabye, baby rockabye, I'll rock you

3. The perfect fan

The Perfect Fan is a song by Backstreet Boys from the album Millennium. It takes a lot to know what love is,…it's not the big things but the little things that can have enough meaning, a lot of prayers help me,…and there's never one day that passes I don't think about you you are always there for me, always pushing me and guiding me to succeed because mom you have always been the perfect fan. This song tells of a son's feelings for his mother. He is grateful for her guidance and love. The author says that a mother is the perfect fan of an artist son.

4. Turn towards you

Turn to You (Dedication for Mother's Day) is a song by Canadian singer Justin Bieber. Justin released this song 2 days before Mother's Day on May 11, 2012. The song describes the struggle of a mother and the love between her son and his mother. You worked two jobs, to keep a roof over our heads you're so young, you were just my age when you had me, mom you're so brave. Let my love take you higher, because I always have.

5. Hi Mom

A Mommy Song is sung by Kanye West about his mother. I want to scream so loud for you, because I'm so proud of you, let me tell you what I'm about to do, hey mom, I just want you to be proud of me, hey mom, Song is talking about small and huge things made by his mother. It shows a boy's love for his mother and how he describes the things his mother did to support him.




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