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Black has just been transformed by the X-Men’s M’Kraan Crystal

Black has just been transformed by the X-Men’s M’Kraan Crystal


A powerful element of classic X-Men stories has just entered the world of Spider-Man Noir and has had a very serious effect.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Spider-Man Noir # 4 by Margaret Stohl, Juan Ferreyra and Travis Lanham of VC, on sale now

The reach of the Marvel Universe means that there are some powerful and unique elements that can have unexpected results on the various characters who interact with them. But an element of classic X-Men stories just forced a surprising change in a multiversal version of a classic hero.

Spider-Man Noir just met his global version of the M’Kraan Crystal from the X-Men corner of the Marvel Universe – and that turned him into his global version of Spider-Man.

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In Spider-Man Noir # 4 It has been revealed that Harry Charles, a soldier originally claiming to be from South America, is actually a member of Dora Milaje from this world named Hu-Ri. A warrior of the heart of Wakanda, she is revealed to have served an ancient purpose with the group to watch over the M’Kraan crystal as it exists in this world. To protect this ancient crystal and prevent it from falling into the hands of the Nazis from this reality, representatives of other allied nations joined Spider-Man and Hu-Ri on their mission – including the British spy known as of Ironside (the Iron Man of this world) and Checkpoint Red (the black widow of this reality).

Introduced in 1977X Men # 107 by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum As part of the original “Phoenix Saga”, the Crystal is considered one of the oldest items in the entire Marvel Universe. Capable of emitting powerful energies and containing the space of an entire dimension within it, the crystal is also one of the most dangerous forces in the Marvel Universe. If the natural state of the crystal were exposed to the galaxy as a whole, the pure gravitational force of the crystal would encompass the entire universe and draw all existence into the crystal – wiping out all life. The M’Kraan Crystal has been at the center of several X-Men stories over the years, with the effects of the crystal affecting the events of Age of Apocalypse and “Rise and Fall Of The Shi’Ar Empire”.

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Naturally, finding the crystal and potentially harassing its power could give the Nazi regime a real advantage in this reality. Upon reaching the uncovered temple of the goddess Inanna, the heroes find themselves confronted by the German spy Huma and his associate, Electro. Using a piece of crystal, she is able to mutate and even seemingly enhance the powers of electro. In the chaos to reach the door hiding the rest of the Crystal and its immense power, Spider-Man is thrown against the door and exposed to the same energies.

There is an immediate reaction to Spider-Man upon touching the door, his arms becoming slender and elongated. He is mutated by energies, even pushing four more arms out. His mask seems to move closer to his body, his eyes turning red. This costume almost seems to be a part of his body as it generally becomes more insect-like, even dashing to the ground like a real spider on its multiple arms. In essence, Spider-Man Noir has just undergone his own Spider-Man mutation.

But instead of being derived from any scientific measurement, it all stems from the mystical and unpredictable elements of the crystal. It even has an effect on Hu-Ri, turning her into a more cheetah human hybrid. It’s a huge change for Spider-Man Noir, and something various other Spider-Heroes have had to deal with on their own over the years. But even then, their transformations weren’t as scary as what Spider-Man Noir went through. Hopefully the energies of the M’Kraan Crystal will be able to restore this Peter Parker to normal at the end of this adventure.

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